85 Powerful Affirmations for Manifestation + How To Use Them

Today is all about powerful affirmations for manifestation! Whether you’ve set intentions for love, healing, joy, abundance, or career, positive affirmations can help attract magic into your life. So I’m sharing the best manifestation affirmations, and teaching you how to use them.

Do Affirmations Help Manifest?

Absolutely yes. Affirmations help you manifest in more than one way.

First, they help to retrain your brain toward more positive thoughts. The right affirmations will soothe and uplift you, and help to release doubt. This has a major impact on your outlook.

But more importantly, when you truly believe your manifestation affirmations, reciting them will help you climb the emotional guidance scale.

Your emotions determine your vibration, and your life is a reflection of that vibration. So as you repeat your positive affirmations, your vibration gets better, and your experiences do, too.

When you find an affirmation that uplift your emotions, repeating it will make you a vibrational match to your desires. When this happens, you become a magnet for what you want.

If you’d rather listen to this list of manifestation affirmations, then sit back, relax, and hit play. XO

How To Write Affirmations for Manifestation

You can absolutely write your own affirmations and they can be about any topic under the sun.

But I want you to follow a few basic guidelines when you’re writing your own affirmations.

  • Keep them solely about you, by always including the word I or my.
  • Always frame them in a positive manner.

So for example, let’s say you want have a better experience at work. Instead of affirming,

“I’m no longer stressed out at work”

say something instead like,

“My work is fulfilling and enjoyable”

See the difference? In the first version of this affirmation, you’re still focused on being stressed out at work (even though you’re saying you don’t want it). This will keep negative emotions active within you, and law of attraction is going to respond to that.

So always speak in terms of what you want to move toward as opposed to what you want to move away from. This will turn you into a walking magnet for better experiences.

Affirmations work by uplifting your emotions! So word them in a way that conjures the most pleasing emotional experience for you.

How To Manifest With Affirmations

You have several options on how to use your manifestation affirmations.

You can repeat them to yourself each morning when you wake up or at night before you go to sleep.

Or if you’re into writing, you can manifest your affirmations on paper. Check out these methods:

If you’re someone who enjoys writing, or if you keep a manifestation journal, then these are great options for you.

Another way to manifest with your affirmations is to write your affirmation on a sticky note and put it on the bathroom mirror so I can focus on it every morning when I wake up.

Similarly, you can put a reminder in your phone so it pops up whenever you need it most. If you have an especially stressful event coming up you can have a pop up right ahead of time to soothe your emotions and keep you in the right headspace.

Do you have mala beads? If so, you can use them to recite your affirmations like a mantra.

Positive affirmations are all about helping you to focus on the positive emotions you associate to manifesting your desire. So when you capture that positivity before your manifestation comes to fruition, you’re going to attract your desires much more easily. This is how law of attraction works.

affirmation sticky notes
What do you want to create for yourself? Leave reminders in your sacred space, as encouragement to stay on track.

The Top 100 Affirmations for Manifestation

These affirmations are general in nature so you can tweak them as you see fit! Notice which ones spark the most positive emotions when you read them!

But if you want affirmations to manifest something specific, I made separate posts that do a deeper dive into the most popular subjects:

Powerful Affirmations for Manifestation

The universe is always supporting my desires.

Everything I see in my life is a reflection of me.

I have good luck all the time.

My timing is always excellent.

It’s getting easier and easier to focus my manifesting power.

My thoughts are powerful and I choose them with intention.

I am a powerful creator.

Life has prepared me perfectly for the upgrades I’m about to receive.

I’m fully in charge of my life and choose thoughts that support my desires.

I’m feeling better every day.

My life is unfolding in perfect timing.

I have all the resources I need to manifest my desires.

It’s natural for me to be healthy, happy, and free.

Affirmation for manifesting: It’s natural for me to be healthy, happy, and free.

I am the creator of my own reality.

Every situation in my life has value and blessings.

I reach for the best feeling thoughts available to meet in each moment.

I am content where I am now, and eager about where I am going.

My words and thoughts are powerful and I use them to create positive experiences.

I choose my words with intention.

I am a deliberate creator.

The future I desire is already on its way to me.

My goals are manifesting even when I’m not taking action.

My beliefs have great power.

I only take action when I am inspired to do so.

My path is lighting up step-by-step and I’m having so much fun on my journey.

I deserve upgrades in all areas of my life.

The universe is eager to deliver my upgrades.

affirmation for manifestation: the universe is eager to deliver my upgrades

What I focus on grows.

My thoughts are seedlings that I sew for my future.

I am my own biggest fan.

I can do anything.

Affirmations for Manifestating Money + Abundance

Abundance flows to me easily.

My financial situation is healing.

The universe is infinitely abundant and I claim my share of that abundance now.

I am worthy of receiving.

Affirmations for Manifestating Health

I can feel positive energy pulsing through my body.

My mind, body, and spirit are in perfect alignment.

I attract the most wonderful experiences into my life.

I embrace new ways of thinking.

My body is a sacred temple and it supports my goals.

Affirmations for Manifestating Job Upgrades

I’m open to learning new skills that will help me succeed.

All of my relationships are a reflection of me.

I release the past and make room for my upgrades.

I am capable of great things.

affirmation for manifestation: I am capable of great things.

When I receive, everyone in my life thrives.

I am on track toward my very best life.

I support the goals of my loved ones, and they support me.

Everything is always working out for me.

I deserve to manifest upgrades in my life.

My work is fulfilling and interesting.

I’ve already made incredible progress toward my goals.

It’s easy for me to receive guidance in support of my goals.

It’s perfectly safe to move outside my comfort zone and try new things.

Affirmations for Manifestating Happiness

There are so many wonderful things in my life and the list grows longer each day.

I focus on the present moment with joy.

I’m optimistic because I know the universe has my back.

Clearing my mind for meditation helps me manifest.

My mind is a peaceful and beautiful place to dwell.

affirmation for manifestation: my mind is a peaceful place to dwell.

I practice mindfulness as I move through my day.

I express gratitude for the blessings in my life.

Life brings me joy and I am excited about the future.

My interactios with others are harmonious and sweet.

I have full faith in the universe to co-create my best future.

My life is magical.

My vibration is rising in this very moment.

I attract people into my life who are a reflection of my best self.

I love to have fun and explore new things.

My mind and heart are open to positive changes.

I love myself and am proud of my accomplishments.

My mind is clear and sharp.

I always have plenty of energy to accomplish my goals.

I find signs from my spirit team everywhere I go.

I’m grateful for life lessons that were revealed by my challenges.

I talk to myself with loving kindness.

I trust myself to flow through changes with grace.

My heart’s desires are meant to come true.

I am writing my own life story and choose to fill it with wonderful things.

My life is a magical adventure.

I am resilient and strong.

I spend my time doing things that make me feel good.

My positive emotions are my top priority.

I listen to my inner guidance and honor it.

When I follow my joy, miracles occur.

I deserve to be at the top of my own priority list.

Joy and prosperity are my birthright.


Which affirmations for manifestation are your favorite? Leave me a comment below! I hope these manifestation affirmations bring you pleace, motivation, and healing.

Sending you all my love!

XO, Andrea

80+ powerful afirmations for manifestation pin

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Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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