5 Powerful Crystals for Self-Love, Confidence and Happiness

Crystals are powerful little tools to help you cultivate self-love and spiritual growth! From stones that promote inner peace to those that foster self-confidence and happiness, this post explores five essential healing crystals to carry on your journey to self-acceptance and love.

Choosing the Perfect Crystal for Your Intention

Crystals have been used throughout history to help with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Each crystal carries its own metaphysical properties to help you heal.

You can use crystal energies to promote self-love and spiritual growth, by clearing away energetic blocks and stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms. 

Knowing the healing properties of your crystals will help you choose the one that’s perfect for your specific intentions.   

For example, if your self-love intentions involve breaking patterns or habits that don’t serve you, I’d recommend you reach for amethyst.  

Or, if you’re focused on expressing yourself more authentically, a blue stone like sodalite would be the better choice for self-love. 

If you’re focused on healing your heart from a relationship, then you’ll want to work with rose quartz.

In a nutshell, all the crystals below support self-love in their own unique way. So, keep your heart open as you review the list, and notice what you’re drawn to. Your intuition will lead the way!

Rose Quartz: Unconditional Love

Rose Quartz, known as the “stone of unconditional love”, assists with building confidence and self-trust, so you can experience true and pure self-love. It also helps you to embrace vulnerability, allowing you to accept and love all parts of yourself – including your shadows.

Rose Quartz will remind you to stay gentle and kind, with yourself and with those around you. Its tranquil and soothing energy will bring healing to your heart chakra.

rose quartz

Rose quartz comes in raw chunks like the large piece in this image, and in rounded, tumbled form, like the smaller ones. I keep the big chunk by the bathtub to infuse my space with self-love every time I’m connecting with the water element. Rose quartz is my go-to crystal for all matters of the heart, hands down. 💖

Black Obsidian: Shielding Negativity and Inner Strength

Black Obsidian is an incredibly powerful stone known for its ability to create a shield of protection from negative energies. 

In a world where it’s easy to be overwhelmed with stress and toxic vibes, its grounding vibrations will keep you safely connected to the present moment

Black Obsidian will help you let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore, so you can fully embody your own truths. Obsidian is also believed to boost internal strength and focus, giving you courage to move forward and reach your goals.

This is the perfect stone to use in a cord cutting ritual if you need to break ties!

hand holding 4 pieces of black obsidian

Black Obsidian helps to keep you grounded, mindful, and protected. So if you struggle with negative self-talk or have adopted limiting beliefs about yourself from a past relationship, reach for this stone to support your self-love practice.🖤

Amethyst: Purification and Balance

Amethyst is known as the Stone of Purification, and it has a calming energy to help you move up the emotional guidance scale. It can help to clear your mind by letting go of cluttered thoughts that prevent you from connecting with your inner power. 

Its soothing vibrations help bring balance to the mind and body, creating a more harmonious self-love practice. People often use Amethyst for its healing benefits to alleviate stress, fear and tension so they can stay focused on their goals.

Amethyst carries beautiful energy that can also connect you more deeply with your intuitive guidance.

amethyst geode

If you’ve never worked with amethyst before, you’re in for a treat. It has deeply mystical properties that bring out your natural intuition and help you find spiritual clarity. You are loveable and worthy of abundance in all its forms! Amethyst will help you remember this fundamental truth. 💜

Aquamarine: Spiritual Connection and Growth

Aquamarine is a powerful stone that can help you connect with your spiritual self, while enhancing sensitivity to the unconscious. 

When focusing on self-love and happiness, Aquamarine works as an ally, helping to bring deep seated emotions to the surface. Its calming energy helps bring inner peace and encourages you to look within more deeply for strength and clarity.

Aquamarine is also a great crystal for promoting compassion and understanding for both yourself and others.

Keep this gorgeous stone nearby when you do your spiritual journaling.

Aquamarine is a beautiful blue-green color. It’s hard to tell in this image, but this particular stone from Amazon has a slight depression in the center of its surface, making it easy to rub between your thumb and forefinger. When used as a ‘worry stone’ aquamarine can help you release tension and embrace peace. 💙

Moonstone: Intuition and Divine Feminine Energy

Moonstone has a powerful connection to the moon. It has a gentle, soothing energy that brings intuitive insight, spiritual guidance and higher understanding. 

It’s an excellent stone for balancing feminine energies, allowing you to connect more deeply with our inner knowing. You can use its supportive and nurturing energies to cultivate clarity of thought and open our minds so we can find strength in the depths within.

This one is a must have for your next full moon ritual!

moonstone ring

I adore moonstone because it helps me to align with lunar energies. It comes in jewelry, but you can also buy a loose stone, which I’ll link to in the BUY IT button below. If you’re a moon mama, call on this powerful stone to usher in worthiness and self love. 🤍

Cleansing and Charging Your Self Love Crystals

After selecting the right crystal, it’s important to make sure you cleanse and charge it properly.

This is because crystals absorb energy from their environment as they are used, which can lead to them becoming stagnant or blocked if they aren’t regularly purified.

Think about it this way: your self-love crystals act as a sponge, absorbing lower energies that don’t serve you and replacing them with their high vibes.   

The easiest way to cleanse your crystals is to run them under cool water for several seconds (not all crystals like water, but these do).

As an alternative, you can also place your crystals in a bowl of salt, smudge them with sage, or treat them (and yourself) to some sound therapy with a singing bowl or other tools. Your intention is what counts most!

How To Use Your Self Love Crystals

Once you’ve selected your self love crystal and cleansed it, it’s time to program them with your intentions. 

To do this, hold the crystal in your hand and speak or think about what you want it to help you achieve. 

Be specific about which areas of life you are focusing on, whether that be love, peace, prosperity or healing. 

As long as it is a positive affirmation in nature and energized with good intention, your crystal friend will take this frequency and use it to amplify the energy around your goals.

Finally, find a home for your crystal. You may choose to keep it:


Did you find your perfect self-love crystal? Which one did you choose? Leave me a reply below! You are absolutely worthy of your own love and acceptance. I am wishing you heart healing and joy.

XO, Andrea

the best self love crystals for inner peace and happiness
Andrea Scalisi headshot

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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