The Best Full Moon Journal Prompts To Align With Lunar Energies

Are you a moon sensitive soul? The full moon is the absolute perfect time to break out your manifesting journal and set intentions for your next phase. Today I’m sharing the best full moon journal prompts to get you in tune with the unique magic of each full moon of the year.

What Is Full Moon Journaling?

Moon journaling is simply the act of writing in your journal on the night of the full moon. This is an ideal time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, experiences, and intentions each month.

The full moon phase represents wholeness, completion, and clearing away the old to make room for the new.

So each month, when the moon grows full, we are reminded to clear away what no longer serves us and make room for upgrades.

Full moon journaling is especially effective when you keep it up for several months, so you can look back on your progress.

woman sitting on the couch writing in journal
When you’re in tune with lunar energies, you have the power of mama moon on your side, working concert with you to bring your intentions to life.

What Should I Journal on a Full Moon?

You can write about anything that’s going on in your life. But in general, focus your journal entries on:

  • What’s important to you at this time
  • How you’re feeling about different situations
  • Where you have room for personal growth
  • What you’d like to move away from
  • Goals you want to set for the future

The goal of full moon journaling is to help you:

  • process events in your life
  • keep your priorities in perspective
  • claim your manifesting power  

Find your perfect manifestation journal! ✨

17 Best Manifesting Journals to Attract Your Dreams

Full Moon Journal Prompts

Each full moon is unique and carries a very specific spiritual message.

For this reason, I’m sharing some general prompts, as well as specific prompts for each month. They will help you to align your journal entries with the energy of the current full moon.

Here are some prompts you can use any time:

  • What lessons have I learned this month?
  • What am I ready to let go of?
  • I’m proud of the way I handled this situation…
  • Where did I allow fear to hold me back this month?
  • Could I benefit from an energetic cord cutting?
  • How can I practice more self-acceptance?
  • What am I most grateful for this month?
  • I’d like to invite more of this into my life…
  • How did I honor my intuition this month?

Cancer Full Moon Journal Prompts (Jan)

The full moon in Cancer is all about bonding with your loved ones and connecting to your emotions.

So when the January full moon rolls around, use your moon journaling time to reflect on how you’re feeling about different aspects of your life.

Here are some prompts to get you started:

  • How can I honor my intuitive hits more?
  • Am I holding onto regrets from the past that I need to release?
  • Whom do I need to forgive?
  • I practice surrender by…
  • How am I feeling right now in this moment?
  • I will prioritize my own self-care by…
  • These people bring out the best in me, and I plan to spend more time with them… 
full moon in cancer journal prompts

Leo Full Moon Journal Prompts (Feb)

Leo full moon is all about empowering yourself practicing worthiness. The leo lion has no problem slowing down in these winter months.

Similarly, your worth is not based on your actions. You exist, and therefore you are deserving of all good things.

Here are some journal prompts for February:

  • I claimed my power this month by…
  • An example of when I trusted my instincts was..
  • Am I honoring my body’s requests for rest, food, movement, and so on?
  • How can I practice asserting myself more?
  • What opportunities am I excited about?
  • I’m strong in these areas…
full moon in leo journal prompts

Virgo Full Moon Journal Prompts (Mar)

The spiritual meaning of the Virgo full moon revolves around learning and personal growth. So keep these themes in mind when you do your moon journaling in March.

  • Where can I practice more patience?
  • Am I holding onto harsh judgments about myself or others?
  • What would I like to create for my future?
  • What limiting beliefs are holding me back from manifesting my desires?
  • I have perfect clarity about these things that I want..
  • I have perfect clarity about these things that I do not want…
full moon in virgo journal prompts

Libra Full Moon Journal Prompts (Apr)

The Libra full moon comes to us in the month of April and brings a gust of momentum to carry your goals forward. Libra is all about balance, too. So, this will be the focus of your journaling this month.

  • Where is my life calling for more balance?
  • I am eager to see how these things the situation unfold for me…
  • I practiced giving this month by…
  • What am I grateful for having received this month?
  • What are my dominant feelings and thoughts about my desires?
  • Does my perspective have room for improvement?
full moon in libra journal prompts

Scorpio Full Moon Journal Prompts (May)

Scorpio full moon is in May and its energy invite you to take positive action toward your goals. It also reminds you just how powerful you really are.

  • How am I using my power to serve my highest good?
  • What is the next logical step toward manifesting my goals?
  • How can I release hesitation so that I can move forward?
  • I took positive action on my goals this month by…
full moon in scorpio journal prompts

Sagittarius Full Moon Journal Prompts (Jun)

Sagittarius full moon brings in love, lighthearted fun, and beauty. It also emphasizes learning and trying new things.

Here are some Sagittarius full moon prompts to get you started:

  • Where am I on the emotional guidance scale?
  • What can I do to raise my vibration and experience more joy in my life?
  • What would I like to learn about more?
  • How can I bring more adventure in my life?
  • One new thing I learned this month was…
full moon in sagittarius journal prompts

Capricorn Full Moon Journal Prompts (July)

Capricorn full moon comes around in July. Its themes include inner strength, independence, and goal getting.  Consider these prompts for your July entry:

  • I’m proud of the way I handled the situation…
  • Do I have a plan to accomplish my next milestone?
  • What helpful people have appeared on my path to help support my goals?
  • I’m proud of the hard work that I did with…
  • I realized how strong I was when…
  • I accomplished these goals this month…
  • How can I get organized and prepared for next steps?
full moon in capricorn journal prompts

Aquarius Full Moon Journal Prompts (Aug)

Aquarius is all about envisioning new ideas and planning. So put on your visionary cap when you do your August journaling!

  • What do I want to create next for myself?
  • My favorite creative outlets right now are…
  • My biggest dream right now is to…
  • How can I share more of my gifts with the world?
full moon in aquarius journal prompts

Pisces Full Moon Journal Prompts (Sep)

September’s full moon in Pisces is for wrapping up loose ends. It’s also a time to receive with open arms, as a result of all the great work you’ve done earlier in the year. 

  • What am I grateful for this month?
  • Here are some examples of how my positive thoughts, feelings, and actions have paid off.
  • I used my empathic abilities this month when…
  • Am I choosing thoughts and words that align with my desires?
  • Do I allow my inner guidance to lead me?
  • How can I better honor my emotions?
full moon in pisces journal prompts

Aries Full Moon Journal Prompts (Oct)

October’s Aries full moon is for creating balance between giving and receiving. It also invites you to step up and claim your upgrades (you deserve them!).

  • How can I make my own happiness a higher priority?
  • Looking back, I can see this situation with more clarity…
  • What gifts did the universe offer me this month?
  • How can I practice self worthiness?
full moon in aries journal prompts

Taurus Full Moon Journal Prompts (Nov)

The Taurus full moon invites you to boldly step up to your challenges, connect with your tribe, and speak your truth. 

  • Do my plans need tweaking?
  • how can I connect more deeply with my loved ones?
  • I’m proud of myself for solving this problem…
  • What am I looking forward to in the months to come?
  • What changes do I see coming?
  • How can I prepare to flow through them in with grace?
full moon in taurus journal prompts

Gemini Full Moon Journal Prompts (Dec)

Gemini full moon shines a light on independence, logic, and clear communication.

This full moon is less about emotional intelligence, and more about practicality. So keep that in mind as you do your December journaling.

  • How am I being called to share my story with others?
  • What ideas came to me this month that I’m grateful for?
  • Where do I have an opportunity to be a better listener?
  • Am I allowing emotions to cloud my better judgement?
  • I find these topics especially interesting right now…
full moon in gemini journal prompts


I hope you found these journal prompts helpful! For more ways to connect to full moon energies, read this next: Best Full Moon Affirmations by Month for 2023

XO, Andrea

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Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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