50 Uplifting December Affirmations to Manifest Joy + Cheer

As the hustle and bustle of the holiday season reaches its peak, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose sight of the joy that December brings. That’s where the power of affirmations comes in! Today, I’m sharing my favorite December affirmations to serve as a guiding light. They’ll uplift your spirits so you can manifest all the joy you deserve at this magical time of year.

Whether you’re seeking inner peace, a renewed sense of purpose, or simply a moment of calm amidst the holiday rush, I hope these affirmations resonate with your soul and elevate your well-being.

Understanding the Power of Affirmations

Positive affirmations are powerful tools that can shape your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. By consciously choosing positive statements and repeating them regularly, you can literally reprogram your subconscious mind and align your energy with your deepest desires.

This practice can have a profound impact on your mindset, influencing how you see the world and the experiences you attract into your life!

When it comes to December affirmations, their power is amplified by the collective spirit of the holiday season. As you align your thoughts and intentions with the joyful energy in the air (regardless of your beliefs), you open yourself to the abundance of love, peace, and goodwill that this time of year represents.

In other words, you can use the festive energy of the season to manifest your upgrades!

Affirmations serve as mirrors that reflect back to you the essence of your desires. So when you affirm what you want to become true, law of attraction sets in motion a chain of events to lead you toward experiences that match your vibe.

If you want to read more about law of attraction, here are the best books on the subject.

50 December Affirmations for joy and abundance

Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism of December

December holds a special place in the hearts of many, not only for its association with the holiday season but also for the deeper spiritual significance it carries.

Across various cultures and traditions, this month is revered as a time of renewal, reflection, and celebration. From the Winter Solstice marking the return of light to the symbolic rebirth of hope and new beginnings, December is a time of profound spiritual significance.

In numerology, the number 12, which corresponds to December, is often associated with completion and harmony. It represents the culmination of a cycle and the potential for a fresh start. As the end of the year approaches, December beckons you to take stock of your experiences, release what no longer serves you, and embrace the promise of a new beginning.

Plus, the astrological energies of December, including the influence of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Capricorn, offer unique opportunities for personal growth and transformation.

Sagittarius season encourages you to expand your horizons, seek higher truths, and embrace the spirit of adventure. While Capricorn invites you to ground your aspirations in practicality, discipline, and perseverance.

By aligning your affirmations with the spiritual essence of December, you tap into the collective consciousness and the cosmic forces at play, paving the way for profound shifts in your life.

Are you moon sensitive? Check out the spiritual meaning and affirmations for December’s full moon next!

December Affirmations for Self-Love and Gratitude

Amid the flurry of festive preparations and social gatherings, it’s super important to carve out moments of self-care and reflection.

December affirmations that center around self-love and gratitude can serve as gentle reminders to nurture your well-being and appreciate the blessings in your life.

Here are a few affirmations to foster a sense of self-love and gratitude during this joyful season:

  1. I am worthy of love and kindness.
  2. I embrace my inherent worthiness with an open heart.
  3. I am grateful for the abundance of love, joy, and blessings that surround me.
  4. I easily attract even more blessings into my life.
  5. My heart and mind are peaceful.
  6. I listen to my body’s signals for nourishment, movement, and rest.
  7. I honor my journey and celebrate the unique gifts that I bring to the world.
  8. I am a source of light and love.
  9. The more I express gratitude, the more blessings I receive.
  10. I move through challenges with grace.
  11. I make time to celebrate myself.
  12. I give myself the gift of self-care.
  13. I am proud of my accomplishments this year.
  14. I embrace new adventures.
  15. I explore topics that spark my interest.

December Affirmations for Inner Peace and Calm

In the midst of the holiday rush, finding moments of peace and calm becomes essential for maintaining your balance. December affirmations that focus on tranquility offer a soothing respite from the whirlwind of activities, allowing you to reconnect with your inner self.

Try adding some of these in December affirmations into your daily routine:

  1. I am a beacon of peace.
  2. I radiate tranquility to those around me.
  3. I release all worries and anxieties.
  4. I embrace inner calm and centeredness.
  5. I choose thoughts that serve my highest good.
  6. I set healthy boundaries as an act of self-love.
  7. I practice mindfulness as I move through the day.
  8. I create sacred moments of stillness and solitude.
  9. I embrace the beauty of silence.
  10. I see the best in my family members.
  11. I choose ease over stress.
  12. Everything is always working out for me.
  13. My peaceful energy radiates from within me.
  14. All is well in my world.
  15. I focus on the present moment.
  16. My mind, body, and spirit are in perfect harmony.
  17. I am centered and grounded.
  18. I trust my intuition.

December Affirmations for Abundance and Prosperity

The season of December carries an inherent energy of abundance and generosity, making it the perfect time of year to align your affirmations with the flow of prosperity.

By focusing on affirmations that resonate with abundance, you invite the manifestation of financial blessings into your life. Consider adding these December affirmations into your daily practice:

  1. I am a magnet for prosperity. 
  2. I attract abundance and wealth with every thought and action.
  3. I allow myself to receive with grace. 
  4. The universe provides for me in miraculous ways.
  5. I am open to limitless possibilities and opportunities.
  6. I allow prosperity to flow abundantly into my life.
  7. I follow my joy toward prosperity.
  8. I am generous and give with joy.
  9. Material blessings flourish all around me.
  10. I celebrate the success of others.
  11. I say YES to new adventures.
  12. I connect with the abundance of the season.
  13. I laugh often and make time for play.
  14. My thoughts and feelings are powerful manifesting tools.
  15. I invite the universe to surprise and delight me.
  16. The more I receive, the more I am able to give.
  17. I deserve to thrive in all areas of life.

You can also check out these 7 Best Money Affirmations (and how to get fast results).

#1 Tip to Amplify Your Affirmations

You’re probably tired of hearing me say that there is a HUGE connection between your emotions and your sense of smell. As a certified Aromatherapist and reiki master, I can’t tell you how effective it is to pair your intentions with an essence.

Here’s my top pick for an oil blend to use with your December affirmations:

RMO Joyful Moments blend

Joyful Moments by Rocky Mountain Oils is a bright and cheery blend of Orange, Spruce, Frankincense Serrata, Pine, Myrrh, Peppermint, and Cinnamon Bark. It’s warming, uplifting, and a perfect match for your December affirmations.

How to Manifest Joy with Affirmations

Aside from simply repeating them, there are lots of fun ways to foster joyful feelings using your positive affirmations for December. Here are some ideas:  

1. Embrace Visualization: In other words, use your imagination! Pairing your affirmations with a clear mental image of what you desire is a powerful manifestation technique. Imagine yourself fully embodying the essence of your affirmations – whatever that means for you – and let yourself to experience the joy, peace, and abundance they represent.

2. Create Affirmation Rituals: Carve out dedicated moments throughout the day to recite your affirmations. You can do this when you first wake up, just before sleep, or during moments of quiet reflection. By infusing your daily rituals with affirmations, you reinforce their influence on your subconscious mind.

3. Write Affirmation Statements: Writing down your affirmations in a manifesting journal or on sticky notes can help you resonate with your affirmation.

Find your perfect manifestation journal! ✨

17 Best Manifesting Journals to Attract Your Dreams

4. Use Affirmative Language: Be sure to frame your affirmations in positive language. For example, ‘I am joyful’ is a better choice than ‘I am not sad’. You want to state your affirmations as if they are already true and unfolding in the present moment.

By infusing your favorite strategies into your affirmations practice, you can connect with them more deeply. You deserve a joyful heart, during the month of December and all year round, my friend.

Adding December Affirmations to Your Self-Care Routine

To successfully integrate December affirmations into your daily life, it’s a good idea to weave them into the self-care activities you’re already doing. Here are some ideas for infusing affirmations into your daily experiences:

1. Morning Affirmation Ritual: Begin each day with a series of affirmations that set a positive tone for the hours ahead. I like to do this when I’m still cozy in bed! It’s a beautiful way to start the day.

2. Affirmation Walks: Take leisurely strolls in nature while reciting your affirmations silently to yourself. As you immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural world, your vibration will rise, making you a magnet for joy.

3. Affirmation Altar or Space: Create a dedicated altar or sacred space in your home where you can display visual reminders of your affirmations. This can include inspiring images, affirmations written on decorative cards, or symbolic objects that represent your intentions.

4. Affirmation Meditations: Try meditation practices that incorporate your affirmations, like repeating your affirmation on mala beads.

By integrating affirmations into these daily practices, you create a tapestry of positive energy that permeates every aspect of your life. This is what intentional living is all about!


I hope these December affirmations to uplift your spirits and infuse your life with joy! No matter what the holiday season looks like for you, I encourage you to carve out time to reconnect with your spiritual nature. It will bring you a deeper sense of peace. 

Wishing you love, peace, and happy surprises this December!

XO, Andrea

Affirmation Phone Wallpapers

Person holding smart phone displaying "I give myself permission to shine" affirmation

Remind yourself of your worthiness throughout the day with this 20-pack of positive affirmations wallpaper for your phone’s lock screen.✨

50 Affirmations for Joy and Abundance
Andrea Scalisi headshot

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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