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80 Powerful Root Chakra Affirmations to Feel Stable and Grounded

You deserve to feel a strong sense of belonging and safety in your world. Today I’m sharing powerful root chakra affirmations to help you regain your balance, mental clarity and vitality.

What Are Root Chakra Affirmations?

Root chakra affirmations are positive statements you can repeat to help you feel stable and grounded.  

Your root chakra is the first in your chakra system. It’s responsible for recording your feelings and beliefs about family, career, as well as your physical connection to the earth. These are big hitters! So it’s no wonder that issues in these areas can make you feel unbalanced.

In Sanskrit, the name for the root chakra is ‘Muladhara’, which literally means ‘root’ or ‘base’. As the name suggests, the root chakra is your energetic foundation.

So it’s very important to address root chakra blocks to keep all areas of your life flowing smoothly. Every energy center within your subtle body is affected by the others; they work together as a system.   

How To Use Root Chakra Affirmations

The first thing to do is to find an affirmation (or several) in the list below that really speak to you. So notice how the words make you feel as you read through them. Then, note the ones that light you up!

Then, all you need to do is repeat this affirmation on a daily basis. I recommend starting your day with a grounding ritual to ensure you feel grounded before you go out into the world. here’s what I do every morning:

That’s it! You’ll be amazed by how grounded you feel after this sweet like root affirmation ritual.

If you prefer to meditate on your root chakra affirmations, pick your favorite and then read about mala beds next – they are perfect for root chakra affirmation work. Especially if you have red ones! How To Use Mala Beads Color Meanings for Manifesting

OK – onto your Muladhara affirmations!

49 Powerful Root Chakra Affirmations

  1. I feel deeply and firmly grounded into Mother Earth.
  2. My body is stable and strong.
  3. All is well in my world.
  4. My body becomes more relaxed with every breath I take.
  5. Blocks melt away and my root chakra opens in a gently, healthy way.
  6. My loved ones are protected, loved, and secure.
  7. I’m always exactly where I belong.
  8. Life fully supports me.
root chakra affirmation: Life fully supports me.

  1. I enjoy being active and healthy.
  2. My body’s natural state is one of perfect wellbeing.
  3. All my needs will be met in perfect timing.
  4. I am rooted and connected to the Earth’s energy.
  5. I inhale stability and exhale stress.
  6. I am open to accepting healing energy from Mother Earth.
  7. The universe supports me fully.
  8. I can always connect with my sense of inner calm.
  9. My foundation is strong and secure.
  10. I trust in my ability to provide for my needs.
  11. I know I’m always protected and safe.
  12. I trust that all of my needs are taken care of.
  13. My body is my temple and I feel healthy, strong, and vibrant.
  14. I am safe and secure wherever I am.
  15. There is more than enough of everything to go around.
  16. My family offers me many spiritual lessons.
  17. I proudly claim my space in the world.

  1. I’m a magnet for financial abundance.
  2. Scarcity is an illusion.
  3. The universe will always provide me with everything I need.
  4. My body moves with grace and ease.
  5. I feel stable, secure, and right at home in my body.
  6. Most of my worries never come true.
  7. I inhale peace and exhale fear.
  8. Life supports me fully.
  9. I practice mindfulness everyday.
  10. I honor people who are different than me.
  11. Diversity makes the world better.  
  12. My mind is becoming more focused and centered.
  13. I enjoy the feeling of clarity.
  14. I feel centered within myself.
  15. I honor the essence of my soul in all that I do.
  16. I’m always welcome in nature.
  1. The trees, animals, and elements restore my energy.
  2. When I breathe deeply, my emotions stabilize.  
  3. I have everything I need, here and now.
  4. I am filled with divine love and compassion.
  5. I love who I am, inside and out.
  6. I am enough just as I am.
  7. My purpose is to love, honor, and nurture myself.
  8. I embrace each moment as a precious gift to be cherished and enjoyed.
  9. Money is my sacred friend that I use it as a tool to do good in the world.
  10. I have strong roots into the earth, which keep me grounded.
  11. My path is unfolding in perfect timing.
  12. I’m exactly where I’m meant to be in this moment.
  13. I listen to my body’s messages and honor them.
  14. I trust the flow of my life and know that I’m safe.
  15. There’s no need to feel lonely, because I know that the universe loves me deeply.
  16. I am independent and capable.  
  17. My life is a gift, and I’m enjoying this physical experience.
  18. I believe in myself and my abilities.
  19. My body fully supports my wellness goals. 
  20. I can handle life’s challenges because I am flexible and strong. 
  21. I honor my commitments with ease.
  22. My physical body is a magnificent creation.
  23. It’s easy for me to focus my thoughts.

Root Chakra Mantras

In English, the action or mantra we use to represent the root chakra is ‘I Am’.

‘I Am’ is the perfect root chakra mantra because this energy center focuses on your physical experience, and where you fit into the world.

So if you’d like to come up with your own root chakra affirmation that’s specific to your current situation, you may choose to start it with the words ‘I am’. Then finish the sentence with a word that helps you to feel grounded. For example,  

“I am going to find a beautiful new home to live in.”


“I am safe as I begin my new job.”

Feel free to get creative with your grounding affirmations! After all, they work through the power of intention.

Above all, it’s most important that your healing affirmation makes you feel better when you say it. I’m providing more I Am root chakra affirmations below, too. Take what you need!

I Am Root Chakra Affirmations

  1. I am perfectly safe at all times. 
  2. I am comfortable in my own skin.    
  3. I am grateful for everything my body can do.
  4. I am exactly where I belong.
  5. I am loved and accepted by my tribe.
  6. I am a valuable member of my community.
  7. I am healthy and strong.
  8. I am energetically connected to my ancestors.
  9. I am attracting the financial success that I deserve.
  10. I am focused and grounded.
  11. I am in tune with my body.
  12. I am closely connected to nature.
  13. I am fully supported by Mother Earth.
  14. I am filled with vitality.
  15. I belong.
  16. I am stable, focused, and grounded.
For a slideshow of these images, visit the root chakra affirmations web story.

Traditional Root Chakra Mantra

The root chakra mantra is LAM. This is the sound of the root chakra, and you can chant it in order to bring yourself healing in this area.

Much like saying an affirmation, all you have to do is focus the word LAM as you say it in the privacy of your mind, or aloud. Some people enjoy chanting aloud, so they can actually hear and feel the sound of the chakra. This is a beautiful meditation to do with mala beads.


I hope you are feeling more stable, relaxed, and connected to your body after reading these root chakra affirmations. Please leave me a comment and tell me your favorite, or if you came up with one of your own. Sending you lots of grounding energy!

Also, remember that Muladhara affirmations are only one way to heal your root chakra! If you want to take your healing journey further, read this next. Ultimate Guide Root Chakra Healing

XO, Andrea

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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