85 Throat Chakra Affirmations to Speak Your Truth

Do you have trouble speaking up for yourself? These throat chakra affirmations are the perfect tool to help you communicate clearly and share your true self with the world.

Your voice is beautiful and deserves to be heard! Let’s get started.

What Is The Throat Chakra?

The throat chakra is your energy center for communication and self-expression. It’s the 5th chakra in your chakra system and is represented by the color blue.

When your throat chakra is in balance, you:

  • feel comfortable speaking up for yourself
  • express your ideas and opinions
  • use words to uplift, empower, and inspire
  • are proud to express your true self to the world
  • communicate clearly and with purpose

If you need help in these areas, then throat chakra affirmations are the perfect place to begin your healing journey.

What Are Throat Chakra Affirmations?

Throat chakra affirmations are positive statements that focus on helping you to speak your truth. Emotions like fear can block your throat chakra and make it difficult for you to express yourself openly and honestly.

So, affirmations for the throat chakra will help remind you that it’s not only safe to speak up for yourself, but necessary!

Affirmations for the throat chakra can bring you powerful healing.

You can repeat them daily to bring this chakra back into balance. As you do, you’ll start noticing opportunities to voice your opinion, listen without reacting, and allow your inner wisdom to guide your words.  

I hope these throat chakra affirmations encourage you to share more of your true self with others!

Also, affirmations are just one way to bring healing to your throat chakra.

For a deep dive into throat chakra healing, read this next: How To Open Your Throat Chakra and Live Your Truth

Throat Chakra Affirmations to Speak Your Truth

  • I speak up for myself, even when it’s uncomfortable. 
  • I don’t depend on others to speak for me.
  • I always know the right thing to say because my words are divinely guided.
  • I tell the truth, even when it isn’t easy.
  • My ideas, opinions, and thoughts have value.
  • I express myself clearly and calmly.  
  • When I speak and live my truth, my immune system benefits.  
  • I don’t change my behavior to try to fit in because I’m perfect just as I am.
  • I use my voice to fill the world with love. 
  • I choose to talk about things that uplift myself and others.
  • I love to uplift others with the power of my words.
  • I stand up for others who have not yet found their voice.
  • I listen to others with respect and full attention, especially when they have a different point of view.
throat chakra affirmation: I speak up for myself even when it's uncomfortable.

  • I allow others to know the real me, by aligning my words with my beliefs.
  • I have a harmonious relationship with food. 
  • I crave food that nourishes my body, mind, and spirit.
  • I speak my truth with ease and feel free to express myself honestly.
  • It’s safe to be authentic. It helps me to attract like-minded people.  
  • I enjoy open and honest communication in my relationships.
  • My conversations are a reflection of my best self.
  • I intuitively know when to speak and when to be quiet.
  • I enjoy finding creative new ways to share my wisdom. 
  • I am manifesting future experiences with the words I speak.
  • I enjoy having conversations about the positive aspects of life.  
  • My words have the power to heal, uplift, and inspire others.
  • I can hold my own in any conversation.
  • I make the world a better place by sharing my unique perspective. 
  • It’s okay if someone disagrees with me.
  • I practice a healthy balance between speaking and silence.
  • It’s easy for me to find common ground with people.
  • My perspective has value and so does theirs.
  • I’m perfectly comfortable in silence when the situation calls for it.  

throat chakra affirmation: I allow others to know the real me, by aligning my words with my beliefs.

  • I have peaceful, meaningful exchanges with the people in my life.
  • I honor my voice and trust the words that come from me.
  • I recognize my own power, and I choose to use it to speak truthfully. 
  • I take responsibility and be accountable for the words that come out from me, as they will create an impact in my own life and others around me. 
  • I am brave enough to speak my courage and wisdom aloud and shout it to the world.
  • I am open to expressing love, joy and clarity through creative expression.
  • I understand that creative expression is a way for me to release my inner wisdom and commune with the source of all that is. 
  • By allowing creative energy to flow out of my throat chakra, I open myself to abundance and growth. 
  • I create meaningful experiences that serve other people and come back as blessings to me.
  • I sing along with my favorite songs to raise my vibration.
  • I am authentic and trustworthy in my verbal interactions.
  • I speak my truth with gentleness and love. 
  • My voice conveys my inner knowing, and I use it as an instrument for connection and transformation. 
  • By sharing truth and wisdom, I spread kindness and joy throughout the world.
  • I am conscious of the energy I put out into the universe and use my words to create harmony. 
  • I intuitively know the truth when I hear it; my body is a natural truth detector.
throat chakra affirmation: I intuitively know the truth when I hear it; my body is a natural truth detector.

  • My inner truth guides me to successful self-expression.
  • I believe in the power of my inner truth. 
  • I allow its wisdom to flow through me, and I trust it to lead me to self-expression that is beneficial and life-giving. 
  • My voice is strong, clear, and kind. 
  • With each thought, feeling and idea that I express, I create value and connection in the world.
  • I practice loving self-talk.
  • I’m approachable and kind.
  • I choose tv, movies, and music that deliver positive messages.
  • My voice is unique and sacred.
  • Friends and family seek me out for interesting conversation. 
  • I accept myself as a powerful speaker of truth. 
  • I honor the knowledge that exists within me and the courage it takes me to express it aloud. 
  • As I communicate with clarity, confidence, and conviction, people are drawn to listen to my words. 
  • I take comfort in knowing that I am a beautiful speaker of truth.
  • I listen to new perspectives with open curiosity.
  • I accept my truth and the power of my voice to create change. 
throat chakra affirmation: I accept my truth and the power of my voice to create change.

‘I Speak’ Throat Chakra Affirmations

In English, we associate the throat chakra with the mantra ‘I Speak‘. So, affirmations that begin with ‘I speak’ can give you more bang for your buck!

You should feel free to make up your own ‘I speak’ affirmations that are specific to the situation you’re working on. But here are some examples to get you started.

  • I speak clearly and with authority.  
  • I speak words that reflect my spiritual truth.    
  • I speak only about things I want to experience more of.      
  • I speak up for myself with firm kindness.      
  • I speak my truth, even when it’s uncomfortable.
  • I speak at an audible level.
  • I speak at the appropriate times.
  • I speak to uplift.
  • I speak about things that bring me joy.
  • I speak of my dreams for the future.
  • I speak about myself with pride.
  • I speak with confidence.
  • I speak in full, complete sentences.
  • I speak from the heart.
  • I speak from a place of intention, not reaction.
throat chakra affirmation: I speak from a place of intention, not reaction.

Sanskrit Throat Chakra Mantra

The Sanskrit mantra for the throat chakra is HAM, pronounced H-AH-M.

HAM is considered the sound of the throat chakra, and just like your affirmations, you can repeat the sound HAM to bring balance to your Vishuddha (throat chakra in Sanskrit).

Since the throat chakra is all about speaking up, I recommend you experiment with saying this aloud, as opposed to in your mind.

HAM is the perfect mantra to repeat with blue mala beads as a form of meditation.

It’s good practice to use your physical voice!

That alone will bring you throat chakra healing. In time, you’ll enjoy the benefits of a strong and balanced throat chakra.

How To Use Throat Chakra Affirmations

Did you find a few affirmations that help you to feel empowered to share your voice?

Now let’s explore ideas for using them in your daily life. Remember, the more often you repeat your affirmations, the better they’ll work for you:

Did these throat chakra affirmations help you to feel more empowered to speak your truth? Leave a comment and tell me which is your favorite!

Also, remember that your chakras build on each other. So usually, when one is out of balance, another one is too.

Let your intuition guide you toward other chakras that need healing:  Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Third Eye, Crown

Sending you so much love on your healing journey. Be patient with yourself as you adopt these upgraded ways of thinking. I promise you the effort will pay off!

XO, Andrea

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Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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