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70 Third Eye Chakra Affirmations To Unlock Your Mind Power

Are you ready for some major insights and clarity? These third eye chakra affirmations will help! You carry lifetimes of wisdom inside you. These affirmations for the third eye chakra will reconnect you to your deep, personal knowing. Let’s begin!

What Is the Third Eye Chakra?

The Third Eye Chakra is an energy center located between your eyes. It controls your intuition, creativity, psychic abilities, and spiritual growth.

Your third chakra is represented by a beautiful indigo color and is often referred to as the psychic center. When it’s balanced, you have lots of creative ideas, are a good judge of character, and enjoy a really good sense of timing.

A balanced third eye means you’re in touch with your 6th sense, too. You may catch glimpses of events before they happen, for example. This is all a result of being in alignment with your Higher Self, and it’s perfectly natural!

In a word, an open third eye offers you clarity on all levels.

How To Tell If Your Third Eye Is Blocked

If you feel drawn to affirmations for the third eye chakra, then that’s all the validation you need that your body is asking for attention in this area. But there are some common symptoms that occur when third eye is blocked:

Side Note: If you do suffer from disturbing dreams, or you can’t remember your dreams at all, check this out next: 40+ Lucid Dream Affirmations To Stimulate Your Subconscious Mind

What Are Third Eye Chakra Affirmations?

Third eye chakra affirmations are positive statements that you repeat daily, to remind yourself of your natural intuitive abilities. The goal of practicing these affirmations is to open up your third eye so you can experience more clarity.

The third eye chakra, or Ajna chakra in Sanskrit, is your center for creativity, wisdom, and psychic ability. So these third eye affirmations will focus on recognizing and trusting your own inner guidance.

When you practice them daily, your third eye will open. As a result, you’ll feel more connected to your spirit team, which makes life a whole lot easier as well as more fun!

I want to make a quick note here that positive affirmations are just one way to open your third eye. If this is something you’re working on, read this next: Ultimate Guide To Third Eye Chakra Healing

Powerful Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

These powerful affirmations will open your third eye, ushering in clarity and healing. Take whatever resonates with you, and then be open to the opportunities for change that show up in your life.

  1. My emotions are a sacred part of my intuitive system, so I always honor my feelings.  
  2. Intuition is my birthright.
  3. I am an excellent judge of character.
  4. I pick up intuitive messages everywhere I go.
  5. I honor life’s mysteries.
  6. Inspiration flows to me with ease. 
  7. I trust my inner wisdom, and act on it. 
  8. Creative energy flows through me. 
  9. I am willing to see the truth in every situation, even if it’s uncomfortable.  
  10. My imagination is a powerful tool that helps me manifest beautiful experiences.
third eye affirmation: My imagination is a powerful tool that helps me manifest beautiful experiences.
  1. I am perfectly safe as I explore my intuitive abilities.  
  2. I’m in the flow of my own life.
  3. I am willing to release my filters and illusions in order to see things clearly.  
  4. I am on my perfect path, and I’ll know my next step at the perfect time.
  5. I approach new situations with an open mind.
  6. My challenges offer me blessings and opportunity for growth.
  7. I trust that everything is always working out for me.
  8. I enjoy the unfolding of manifesting my desires.
  9. I trust the universe to deliver me experiences to match my vision.
  10. I can see the good in everyone.
  11. I have sweet, peaceful dreams that offer me new insights.

  1. I am in tune with my body’s messages, and I honor them.  
  2. I feel at peace knowing I am exactly where I belong.
  3. I clearly recognize the signs and messages from my spirit team.  
  4. I am closely connected to my Higher Self, who is guiding me with love.
  5. I am willing to face the truth, even when it feels scary.  
  6. I am an open channel for the power that creates worlds.  
  7. I know what I want from life and am capable of attracting it.  
  8. I welcome intuitive guidance from my celestial helpers.  
  9. I am constantly receiving intuitive feedback in healthy and helpful ways.  
  10. I trust the universe and its divine guidance.
  11. I clearly see what is happening in my life, both present and future.
  12. I use my wisdom to the fullest potential.
  13. I open myself up to new ideas and possibilities.

  1. I embrace clarity to make sound decisions with confidence.
  2. I make spiritual self-care a priority in my life.
  3. I develop my intuition with every decision and action.
  4. I honor the messages of my inner voice and trust its wisdom.
  5. I open to receive inspiration from greater sources.
  6. I easily access ancient knowledge stored in my soul’s memory.
  7. My inner vision is clear and powerful, always guiding me accurately.
  8. I am highly valuable because of my perceptive nature.
  9. My thoughts are centered on self-love, joy and understanding of life’s mysteries.
  10. I am intuitively in touch with the pulse of the world around me.
  11. I listen to my creative impulses without fear or judgment.
  12. I open myself to true clairvoyance and spiritual sight.
  13. I trust myself to interpret the visions I receive accurately.
  14. I am gaining new insights into life’s profound questions.
  15. My thoughts are filled with clarity and inner vision.
  16. I honor my ability to perceive the unseen realms of existence.
  17. My imagination is alive, clear, and open-minded.
  18. I easily access information that can’t be seen by the physical realm’s eyes.
  19. My inner world is strong, secure and full of connection with Universal power.
  20. Respect for all forms of higher wisdom naturally surrounds me.
  21. Positive intuition moves through every moment of my life.
  22. I recall my dreams easily, and they bring me insights and peace.
  23. Animals cross my path to offer me messages.
  24. Angel numbers show up throughout my day to deliver guidance.
  25. I feel my way toward my best path.

Third Eye Chakra Mantras

In the English language, the third eye chakra mantra is ‘I See‘. So, affirmations that begin with ‘I see’ are wonderful for third eye chakra healing.

Here are some examples affirmations to get you started, but feel free to switch them up or create your own. Also if you come up with your own third eye affirmation, please drop it in the comments below!

‘I See’ Third Eye Mantra Affirmations

  1. I see the truth of this situation clearly.
  2. I see beauty everywhere.
  3. I see opportunities for growth in my challenges.
  4. I see magic in ordinary things.
  5. I see beyond superficial distractions and focus on my spiritual truth.
  6. I see signs from my spirit team as I go about my day.
  7. I see a teacher in everyone who crosses my path.
  8. I see through the eyes of love.
  9. I see the unfolding of my path with clarity.
  10. I see spiritual significance in every experience.
  11. I see beyond my physical senses.
For a slideshow of these images, visit the third eye chakra affirmation web story.

Traditional Third Eye Chakra Mantra

In Sanskrit, the third eye chakra mantra is AUM. This is the sound of the Ajna chakra (which means third eye in Sanskrit) and you can use this as a mantra to open your third eye.

All you need to do is focus and repeat it, just like your third eye affirmation.

To keep track of your repetitions, consider using purple mala beads to help you focus. Mala beads help to support your intentions as you meditate on AUM.

Why Do Third Eye Chakra Affirmations?

Positive affirmations are an excellent tool for helping you to adopt a new belief.

Your chakras react to events, people, and situations going on around you. So as you move through life, your third eye will be affected, just like any physical part of your body. It needs maintenance and loving care to remain healthy and in balance. Affirmations are one way to nurture your third eye.

For example, let’s say someone was dishonest with you.

As a result of that experience, you may have begun to doubt your ability to be a good judge of character.

Or, maybe you’re trying really hard to decorate a space in your home and just can’t get it right. As a result of that experience, you may hit a creative block and now nothing seems to be flowing smoothly.

This just means the thoughts and feelings you’ve been practicing aren’t serving you, and they’ve taken their toll on your third eye chakra.

Third eye chakra affirmations can reverse this, and move you up the emotional scale, so you can regain your clarity, creativity, and sense of knowing.

How Do You Practice Third Eye Chakra Affirmations?

Repetition is key when practicing your third eye chakra affirmations. So you’ll want to find one that rings true for you, and say it often.

To start, read through this list of positive affirmations and make a note of one that catches your eye. Then, make it part of your daily routine to repeat it. If you have a self-care ritual that you could work this into, like during sacred bathing, that works perfectly.

Or, you may want to practice your affirmations in bed while preparing for sleep. Bedtime is perfect for third eye affirmations, because then you can fall asleep focused on your spirit team. This can lead to insightful dreams!

The time of day doesn’t matter, as long as you can make your affirmations part of your routine.

Then, all you need to do is repeat your affirmation in your mind as you focus on the space between your eyebrows. You may want to envision a purple light, as well. Remember this is your self-care practice so it’s impossible to get wrong – do what feels good to you in the moment.


If you read through the list, these third eye chakra affirmations are already working on you. Which ones did you love most? Leave me a comment with your thoughts, feelings, or the number of your fave!

XO, Andrea

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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