101 Simple Pleasures in Life That You Can Enjoy Today

Sometimes life can get crazy. I know that when my plate is too full, I tend to get overwhelmed and rundown. That’s why it’s so important to take a step back and focus on the joy that comes from life’s simplest moments. So today, I’m sharing my favorite 101 simple pleasures in life to help you rediscover the beauty in everyday living. 

It’s so easy to get caught up in looking outside ourselves for happiness. But there is a profound joy and inner peace woven into the fabric of nature, relationships, and your everyday routines. Let’s dive in and celebrate the art of finding happiness in life’s uncomplicated treasures!

What are Simple Pleasures?

Simple pleasures are the small, uncomplicated moments or experiences that bring you genuine joy, contentment, and a sense of well-being. More often than not, they arise in your everyday activities and don’t cost a thing. 

These moments can vary widely, from enjoying a warm cup of tea on a rainy day to relishing a heartfelt conversation with a loved one. In fact, the simple pleasures in life are often things we completely take for granted.

The best things in life are free.

Coco Chanel

The universe scatters hundreds of these little gifts throughout the day for you to notice and enjoy.

Benefits of Finding Simple Pleasures in Life

Taking the time to train your brain to notice and appreciating simple pleasures in life can offer powerful benefits, including:

1. Increased Happiness: Finding joy in small moments contributes to an overall sense of happiness and contentment.

2. Stress Reduction: Engaging in simple, enjoyable activities can help soothe away stress and promote relaxation.

3. Improved Well-Being: Focusing on positive experiences enhances your mental and emotional wellness.

4. Enhanced Mindfulness: Appreciating simple pleasures encourages living in the present moment, fostering mindfulness (plus, mindfulness reduces stress and anxiety).

5. Better Relationships: Sharing and celebrating small joys can strengthen your connections with others.

6. Positive Perspective: Embracing simple joys can shift your focus from challenges to positive aspects of life.

7. Increased Gratitude: Regularly acknowledging and savoring these moments promotes a sense of appreciation and gratitude.

8. Balanced Lifestyle: Incorporating simple pleasures helps you to slow down and adds balance to daily routines to counterbalance life’s complexities. 

9. Boosted Creativity: When you move out of fight-or-flight mode and into relaxation response, your creative spirit has a chance to shine through.  

10. Self-Care: If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’m all about self-care. Engaging in simple pleasures is a beautiful way to support your spiritual self-care day

101 Simple Pleasures in Life

Okay, let’s dive into to the ultimate list of the simple pleasures of life! I broke them down into categories. Take what you need, and please leave me a comment below if you have ideas that aren’t on the list.

Nature and Outdoors

  1. Enjoying a sunrise or sunset
  2. Feeling a gentle breeze on a warm day
  3. Listening to birds or watching them at a feeder
  4. Walking barefoot in the grass
  5. Stargazing on a clear night
  6. Watching the ocean waves
  7. Listening to wind chimes
  8. Hiking in nature
  9. Collecting seashells or leaves
  10. Resting in a hammock or swing
  11. Jumping on a trampoline (makes me laugh every time!)
  12. Taking a scenic drive
  13. Foraging for mushrooms or wildflowers
  14. Skipping rocks on the water
  15. Going on a picnic
  16. Playing outside in the rain
  17. Cloud-watching
  18. Sleep outside
  19. Gardening or weeding
  20. Fresh breeze
  21. Doing yoga outdoors
Women doing yoga in the park
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch

There’s nothing like doing yoga outdoors. You may feel a little self-conscious at first, but once you get into that high vibing headspace, that will all melt away. Plus, joining a yoga class is a great way to cultivate a sense of community, which also makes life sweeter.💛


Of course, you can enjoy any of life’s simple pleasures in solitude or with someone. But here are some ideas to explore with someone you love.

  1. A warm hug from a loved one
  2. Cooking a meal with your partner
  3. Taking a walk with a friend
  4. Laughter with friends
  5. Cuddling with a pet
  6. A heartfelt conversation
  7. Reminiscing about favorite shared memories
  8. Attending
  9. Phone call with a friend
  10. Random acts of kindness
  11. Making someone else smile
  12. Attending a live event
  13. Writing lists of appreciation for each other
  14. Scrapbooking
  15. Creating vision boards
  16. Support each other’s goals and dreams
  17. Send someone a greeting card
  18. Game night
  19. A shared laugh or moment with a stranger
  20. Baking together
person holding a pencil and writing on an envelope
Photo by Karolina Grabowska

A friend of mine sends cards in the mail every once in a while, for no reason other than to make me smile. I’m telling you it is the best feeling! This simple act of kindness works two-fold: it will send a wave of joy through you and the recipient. 💛

Everyday Experiences

Many of the items on this list are probably things you do all the time. To reconnect with the pleasure of life, practice mindfulness as you do these tasks. In other words, keep your mind focused solely on what you’re doing. It’s amazing how soothing it is. Others are just joyful little moments that you can acknowledge next time they occur.

  1.  Sipping a hot cup of tea or coffee
  2.  Freshly baked cookies
  3.  Reading a good book
  4.  Watching a favorite movie
  5.  Completing a small task
  6.  Finding money in your pocket
  7.  Writing in a journal
  8.  Weekend brunch
  9.  Freshly cut flowers
  10.  Creating art or crafts
  11.  Dancing
  12.  Ice cream on a hot day
  13.  Napping on a lazy afternoon
  14.  Singing in the shower
  15. Listening to your favorite podcast
  16. Waking up without an alarm
  17. A good hair day
  18. Discovering a new song
  19. Daydreaming
  20. Snuggling in freshly laundered sheets
  21. Receiving a compliment.
  22. Sitting in the sunlight
woman enjoying a cup of coffee in the kitchen
Photo by Samson Katt

Instead of tossing back your morning drink in a rush, give yourself a minute or two to slow down and savor. What flavors do you detect? Mentally track your beverage as it makes it way down your throat and into your belly, sending you nourishment.💛

Mindfulness & Self-Care

  1.  Taking a leisurely bath
  2.  Crisp, clean bed sheets
  3.  Meditation and mindfulness practices
  4.  Relaxing baths or showers
  5.  Enjoying a cup of tea or coffee
  6.  Appreciating solitude and quiet moments
  7.  A moment of gratitude
  8. Diffusing essential oils
  9. Guided meditation or sleep story
  10. Sound healing
  11. Smudging your home
  12. Unplanned day off
  13. Light a candle for yourself
  14. Mindful breathing
  15. Manifesting on paper
  16. Digital detox day
  17. Morning stretch routine
  18. Grounding your energy
person and cat sitting in grass with book and headphones
Photo by Saliha Sevim

You can mix and match some items on this list to create moments of bliss! For me, being outside in the sun, with a good book and a furry friend feels like heaven.💛

Hobbies & Creativity

  1.  Pursuing creative outlets
  2.  Finding joy in hobbies and passions
  3.  Celebrating small achievements
  4.  Embracing the process of learning
  5.  Painting or drawing
  6.  Playing a musical instrument
  7.  Completing a puzzle
  8.  Rediscovering childhood toys
  9. DIY craft project
  10. Try a new recipe
  11. Photograph things you find beautiful
  12. Write a poem or short story
  13. Script your future
woman tasting food in pan on stove
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas

Trying out a new recipe is a great way to practice mindfulness and flex your creative skills! Stay focused on the task at hand as you chop veggies and prepare your meal. Spending time to create a nourishing dish for yourself is also an expression of self-love💛

Travel & Exploration

  1. Discovering new places
  2. Immersing in different cultures
  3. Capturing memories through travel
  4. Finding joy in the journey
  5. Trying food from a new ethnicity
  6. Visiting a thrift store
  7. Learn a word in a new language

Did you find some items in the list above that resonate with you? Which activities bring you the most pleasure in life?

How Finding Joy in Life Helps You Manifest

Yes, finding joy in simple things can be a powerful practice when it comes to manifestation. Here’s how it can help:

1. Positive Emotions: Embracing simple pleasures generates positive energy, aligning your thoughts and emotions with your desires. If you’re new to this concept, check to see where you are on the emotional guidance scale.

2. Gratitude Magnet: Cultivating joy in the present moment naturally fosters gratitude, a key element in the manifestation process.

3. Visualization: Appreciating simple pleasures helps to relax you, and allows you to more clearly visualize positive outcomes, reinforcing your intentions.

4. Attracting Similar Energy: The law of attraction tells us that like attracts like. So the more joyful moments you experience, the more you will attract.  

5. Mindset Shift: Focusing on simple joys shifts your mindset from lack to abundance, aligning your thoughts with what you want to manifest.

6. Enhanced Clarity: Taking time to enjoy the simple things provides mental clarity, making it easier to identify and work towards your goals.

7. Reduced Resistance: Joyful moments create a sense of ease and reduce resistance, allowing your desires to flow more effortlessly.

8. Increased Vibrational Frequency: Joyful experiences raise your vibe, bringing you into resonance with the energy of what you want to manifest.

If you’re focused on manifesting upgrades in your life – like more peace, happiness, and simplicity, read this next: How to Manifest Your Desires: Complete Guide + Tips

More Ways to Simplify Your Life

While we’re on the topic of living simply, here are some more ideas to explore:

1. Declutter Your Space: Remove unnecessary items and organize your living and workspaces to create a clean and tidy environment.

2. Prioritize Tasks: Focus on the most important tasks and avoid overwhelming yourself with an extensive to-do list.

3. Establish Routines: Create daily or weekly routines to streamline your activities and reduce decision fatigue.

4. Learn to Say No: Set boundaries and avoid overcommitting by saying no to tasks or events that don’t align with your priorities. ‘No’ is a complete sentence!

5. Digital Detox: Reduce screen time, organize digital files, and declutter your virtual space for a more focused and relaxed mind.

6. Simplify Finances: Consolidate accounts, automate payments, and create a budget to simplify your financial management.

7. Mindful Consumption: Be intentional about what you bring into your life, whether it’s material possessions, information, or commitments.

8. Single-Tasking: Multitasking is over-rated. Instead, try focusing on one task at a time to enhance productivity and reduce stress.

9. Streamline Wardrobe: Simplify your wardrobe by keeping only the clothes you love and wear regularly. Consider a minimalist approach.

10. Limit Commitments: Assess your commitments and consider letting go of those that don’t align with your priorities or bring you joy.

11. Practice Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude by appreciating the simple and positive aspects of your life, fostering contentment.

12. Embrace Minimalism: The minimalist mindset values experiences over possessions. If you’re curious to learn more, this is a great place to start: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

13. Unplug Regularly: Take breaks from technology to recharge and reconnect with the present moment.

14. Mindful Eating: Enjoy meals without distractions, savoring each bite and fostering a healthier relationship with food.

15. Simplify Workouts: Incorporate simple and enjoyable physical activities into your routine, focusing on what brings you joy!


I hope this article helped you to rediscover some of the magic that’s sitting in plain sight in your daily life! You deserve many moments of joy, pleasure, and sweet simplicity. To recap, simple pleasures in life can be found everywhere, including:

  • Nature & outdoors
  • Relationships
  • Everyday moments
  • Mindfulness & self-care
  • Hobbies & creativity
  • Travel & exploration

Continue to immerse yourself in nature, nurture relationships, and lean into the simple moments that make up your day.   

XO, Andrea

101 Simple Pleasures in Life that You Can Enjoy Today
Andrea Scalisi headshot

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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