7 Essential Grounding Techniques to Calm Your Spirit

Hey there! Have you ever found yourself feeling light-headed, dazed or just generally out-of-sorts after spiritual or energy work? Well, you’re not alone. Tapping into your higher energies can lead to excess energy. The good news is there’s a quick and simple way to get back in sync with your body: grounding.

Think of grounding as a way to reconnect with the earth and balance out all that spiritual and physical energy buzzing inside you. It’s like a reset button, bringing you back to the here and now—super important for everyone, especially if you’re a healer, medium, or just someone dealing with the stress of everyday life.

I didn’t always know about grounding. Back when I was starting with my spiritual awakening journey, I’d shake like a leaf during mediumship circles. I found out that simple acts like taking a walk or sipping hot tea helped me get back to myself.

That’s when I discovered grounding techniques, and it became a part of my daily routine. From dealing with excess energies to everyday stress and challenges, these simple grounding techniques helped keep me centered and balanced.

Let me introduce you to my favorite grounding exercises.  These are quick and simple ways to get back in sync with your body.  Remember, it’s all about finding what resonates with you, so feel free to experiment until you find what works best for you.

Meditate with Intention

Consider meditation your soul’s quiet anchor. It helps you find a calm spot within, amidst life’s chaos. You can meditate by sitting still and noticing your breathing or by moving gently and with awareness.

The main goal is to clear your mind of busy thoughts. You focus on being in the moment, without worrying about the past or future. This practice brings you back to what’s real and important: your inner self.

woman meditating outdoors on yellow blanket

Tip: If you are a beginner or struggle with meditation in general, try guided meditation. It offers a structured experience and directed focus to achieve a state of calm. Sit comfortably, imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth, and breathe deeply. Balance will follow.

Conscious Breathing

Conscious Breathing is about paying close attention to your breath. It’s a simple and powerful way to ground yourself. You focus on the air moving in and out of your body.

Conscious Breathing is not only a grounding method but also one of the effective stress relief techniques to calm your mind.  With each breath, you remind yourself that you are present and alive. It connects you to the energy of life that is all around us.

woman sitting on picnic table overlooking calm waters

Tip: Practice breathing in nature. Use the rhythm of the waves or the wind in the trees to guide your breathing pattern for deeper relaxation.

Indulge in Earthy Foods

Eating brings you back to your body and can help you feel centered. Root vegetables are a good option since they come from the earth. Eating chocolates and drinking warm root tea like ginger or valerian are my top choices for grounding. The earthy flavors and warmth from the tea can help you settle down and feel calm.

Spend Time in Nature

Spending time in nature is a powerful way to feel connected to the world around us. When you’re outside, try to find something beautiful to look at. It could be a bright flower, the detailed lines on tree bark, or how the sunlight plays between branches.

Focusing on beauty like this can calm your busy mind. It helps you feel grateful and at peace, surrounded by life’s natural wonders.

Next, make sure to focus on the Earth itself. Feel the ground under your feet. Maybe touch the soil or walk on the grass without shoes. This is what people call ‘earthing.’

It’s about making direct contact with the ground. Doing this can help your body pick up the Earth’s energy. It’s a simple way to feel steady and connected. Remembering that we’re part of this large, living planet can bring us back to a calm and centered place.

Tune in to Your Body

Singing, dancing, and exercising are activities that help you connect with your body. When you sing, the sound vibrates inside you. It helps you feel alive and present.

Dancing lets you move with the music. It releases emotions and energy, grounding you in the moment. Exercising makes you concentrate on how your body moves and breathes. It takes your mind off worries and focuses on the now. All these activities pull you into the experience of being in your body, away from overthinking.

Take a Salt Bath

Salts are nature’s healer. It isn’t just for physical relaxation; it’s a form of spiritual healing that cleanses excess energy. 

Mix them with water, and you’ve got a recipe for spiritual cleansing. Sea salt, Himalayan salt—take your pick and soak for 20-30 minutes. Add some essential oils like Ylang Ylang, Frankincense or Lavender to level up your bathing experience. Experiment and find what works best for you. 

woman holding bath bomb in tub in front of bath tray

Get more tips for sacred bathing here.

Touch Therapy

Touch, massage, and self-massage involve using your sense of touch to relax and reconnect with your body. When you touch or are touched, your body starts to let go of stress.

Massage helps not just your muscles relax but also calms your mind. It brings you back into the present. You can massage yourself too. It’s a way to take care of yourself and remind yourself that you’re physical and alive.  Touch therapy is not just comforting; it’s a proven anxiety reduction method that reconnects your body and mind.

Final Thoughts

Grounding techniques are more than just quick fixes for spiritual overload—they’re practical strategies for living a more balanced life. They can help you manage those moments you need to regain your balance post-energy work. Or dealing with stress and the heaviness of anxiety. And the best part? There’s no one-size-fits-all. It’s all about experimenting to discover which technique works best with you.

Think of these techniques as a custom-made set tool kit to help you deal with life’s fluctuations. Whether it’s through the tranquility of meditation or the simple pleasure of eating root vegetables, each one is designed to realign you with your core.

These techniques are incredibly flexible, too. Drained after a spiritual session? Indulge in a salt bath.  Dealing with a stressful day at work? Take a few deep, intentional breaths or find a moment for a quick nature break. Feeling anxious? Indulge in some chocolate or tune into your body with a little impromptu dance session.

Remember these strategies next time you’re feeling overwhelmed and unbalanced. These grounding techniques are more than tools for spiritual maintenance; they’re mindfulness practices that can guide you to a more balanced lifestyle. 

And hey, they’re not just for the spiritually inclined—anyone can use a little grounding now and then.

Here’s to staying grounded, centered, and ready to take on whatever comes your way with a calm, steady presence!

How to spiritually ground yourself: 7 grounding practices to calm your spirit.

About The Author

Sophia Marlowe

Hi, I’m Sophia, part of the EnhancedApp team since 2022. I’m all about holistic well-being, blending psychological principles with spiritual traditions. Through my writings, I share practical insights for mental and spiritual growth. Join me in discovering the harmonious mix of mental clarity, emotional resilience, and spiritual awakening!

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