65 Relaxing Hobbies to Unwind and Feel Happy

Looking for something to do in your free time besides watching TV on the couch? I have you covered! In this guide, I’m sharing the most relaxing hobbies to help you discover the perfect activity to bring peace into your life. This mega-list of hobby ideas covers activities you can enjoy after work, at home, or out and about. All of them will help to soothe away stress and experience more joy.

Let’s dive in and find your perfect hobby! 

What is a Hobby?

A hobby is a regular activity or interest that you pursue for pleasure, relaxation, and personal fulfillment.  Separate from your profession, you’ll choose your hobby based on your specific interests, talents, and curiosities. 

Hobbies can cover a wide range of activities, from artistic expression to sports, gaming, or reading (and so much more!). Your hobby should feel fun, and help you to unwind, express yourself, and learn new skills.

Benefits of Having a Hobby

Having a hobby is an underrated form of self-care! There are so many benefits you’ll gain by carving out special time to devote to something that brings you joy. Here are some of its most powerful advantages:

  • Stress relief
  • Improved mental health  
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Increased Satisfaction and Fulfillment
  • Physical health benefits  
  • Social connection
  • Stimulation of Learning
  • Time management skills
  • Improved concentration
  • Boosted self-esteem
  • Healthy coping mechanism
  • Increased happiness

Finding a hobby you enjoy can really be life-changing. For example, as my sister and I were chatting on the porch one evening, the conversation organically led to a plan to start writing sleep stories to help people fall asleep faster.

I’m still not sure exactly how it happened, but it felt like magic! All of a sudden, we were so excited to start brainstorming ideas and start writing/recording. Our shared hobby infuses us with creative energy and brings us so much joy and fulfillment. Plus, it helps to uplift others. You never know where a hobby is going to lead you!

How to Pick a New Hobby

Choosing a hobby can be an exciting and personal process. Here are some steps to help you pick a hobby that suits your interests and preferences:

1. Reflect on Your Interests: Consider activities or subjects you’ve always been curious about or enjoyed in the past. Think about what brings you joy or engages your curiosity.

2. Assess Your Goals: Determine what you hope to achieve with your hobby. Whether it’s relaxation, learning a new skill, socializing, or staying active, understanding your goals will guide your choice.

3. Explore Different Activities: Take the time to explore a variety of activities. Attend workshops, classes, or events related to potential hobbies to get a taste of what resonates with you.

4. Consider Your Personality: Your personality plays a significant role in choosing a hobby. Introverts might enjoy solitary pursuits like reading or painting, while extroverts might prefer social activities such as group sports or clubs.

5. Evaluate Your Schedule: Assess your daily schedule and determine how much time you can realistically dedicate to a hobby. Choose an activity that aligns with your available time and energy.

6. Budget Considerations: Some hobbies may require specific equipment, materials, or memberships. Consider your budget when exploring potential hobbies to ensure it’s not going to cause you financial stress – that would defeat the purpose of having a hobby for relaxation!

7. Think About Long-Term Commitment: Determine if you’re looking for a short-term interest or a hobby you can pursue over the long term. Some hobbies may require consistent practice or commitment, while others offer flexibility.

8. Stay Open-Minded: Try to stay open to discovering unexpected hobbies. Sometimes, trying something completely new can lead to surprising and delightful experiences! Browse online platforms, attend hobby fairs, or talk to friends about their hobbies, too. Inspiration can come from all sorts of sources.

9. Trial and Error: Don’t be afraid to try different activities. Experiment with a few hobbies before committing to one. It’s okay to explore and refine your preferences.

10. Listen to Your Gut: Pay attention to your instincts and how you feel about certain activities. If something sparks excitement or feels right, it might be the perfect hobby for you.

Remember that the goal is to find something that brings you joy and aligns with your lifestyle. So have fun exploring and don’t be afraid to try out different things until you find the right fit.

Now onto the list! I have them broken down into categories, so take what you need.

Relaxation Hobbies for Adults

It’s way too easy for personal development and leisure time to get squeezed out of the schedule when you’re adulting! Here are some relaxing hobbies to bring balance to your life:

  1. Gardening: Growing veggies or herbs in a garden is a beautiful way to ground your energy and connect with nature.
  2. Reading: Get lost in the pages of a good book for a calming escape.
  3. Painting or Drawing: Express your creativity through visual arts for relaxation.
  4. Photography: Capture moments and explore the world through the lens of a camera.
  5. Cooking or Baking: Experiment with new recipes to find joy in the kitchen.
  6. Yoga: Practice gentle yoga to promote physical and mental well-being.
  7. Listening to Music: Create playlists of calming tunes to soothe the mind.
  8. Creative Writing: Try writing a short story or script your future.
  9. Bird Watching: Connect with nature by observing and identifying birds in your area.
  10. Journaling: Reflect on thoughts and emotions through the practice of journaling.

Find your perfect manifestation journal! ✨

17 Best Manifesting Journals to Attract Your Dreams

Relaxing Hobbies to Do at Home

  1. Candle Making: Engage in the craft of making scented candles for a cozy home ambiance.
  2. Meditation: Cultivate mindfulness and inner peace through regular meditation sessions.
  3. Puzzle Solving: Challenge your mind with puzzles, crosswords, or jigsaw puzzles.
  4. Indoor Gardening: Create a small indoor garden with houseplants for a tranquil environment.
  5. Knitting or Crocheting: Learn the art of knitting or crocheting to create handmade items.
  6. Aromatherapy: Explore the world of essential oils and create a calming atmosphere at home.
  7. DIY Home Decor: Engage in creative home decor projects to personalize your space.
  8. Virtual Travel: Explore new cultures and destinations through virtual travel experiences.
  9. Learn a Musical Instrument: Dedicate time to learning a musical instrument for personal enjoyment.
  10. Film Watching: Enjoy a movie night with a curated selection of your favorite films.

Low Energy Hobbies

  1. Nature Sketching: Sketch natural scenes with minimal physical effort.
  2. Stargazing: Spend evenings observing the night sky and celestial bodies.
  3. Gentle Walking: Take slow, meditative walks in nature to relax your mind.
  4. Tea Tasting: Explore different tea varieties and savor the calming ritual of tea tasting.
  5. Cloud Watching: Lie back and gaze at clouds, letting your mind wander.
  6. Bonsai Cultivation: Cultivate bonsai trees, requiring patience and gentle care.
  7. Mindful Breathing Exercises: Practice deep-breathing exercises for relaxation and focus.
  8. Listening to ASMR: Explore ASMR content for its calming and soothing effects.
  9. Feng Shui Arrangement: Rearrange your living space to create a harmonious and tranquil environment.
  10. Coloring Books for Adults: Engage in adult coloring books for a relaxing and creative activity.

Relaxing Hobbies for Introverts

Where are my fellow introverts? You may prefer to enjoy your hobby of choice in solitude. Here are some relaxing ideas to try.

  1. Solo Hiking: Embark on solitary hikes in serene natural settings.
  2. Reading Retreats: Dedicate weekends to immersive reading retreats at home or in nature.
  3. Online Courses: Explore interests through online courses from the comfort of home.
  4. Journaling Escapes: Take solo retreats for reflective journaling in peaceful locations.
  5. Artisanal Crafting: Engage in detailed crafts, such as pottery or intricate beading.
  6. Solo Travel Planning: Plan and execute solo trips to explore destinations at your pace.
  7. Quiet Contemplation: Dedicate time to quiet contemplation in a favorite secluded spot.
  8. Digital Art Creation: Experiment with digital art tools for a solo creative outlet.
  9. Minimalist Living Projects: Embrace minimalist living through intentional decluttering and simplification.
  10. Photography Expeditions: Embark on solo photography journeys to capture moments in solitude.
woman leaning against tree and taking a photo
Photo by David Bartus

Next time you head out on your walk, grab a camera or your phone, and capture images you think are beautiful. 💙

Relaxation Hobbies for Anxiety & Stress

Adopting a hobby can work wonders in relieving stress and anxiety. Here are some relaxing hobby ideas to bring you comfort.

  1. Guided Meditation Apps: Use meditation apps for structured sessions to alleviate anxiety.
  2. Tai Chi: Practice the gentle movements of Tai Chi for physical and mental relaxation.
  3. Breathwork Techniques: Learn and implement various breathwork techniques for stress relief.
  4. Color Meditation: Engage in color meditation, focusing on calming and soothing colors.
  5. Forest Bathing: Immerse yourself in nature through the practice of Shinrin-Yoku or forest bathing.
  6. Gentle Stretching: Incorporate gentle stretching routines to release tension in the body.
  7. Audiobook Listening: Listen to audiobooks for a soothing and stress-relieving auditory experience.
  8. Mindful Walking: Practice mindful walking, paying attention to each step and breath.
  9. Warm Bath Rituals: Create calming bath rituals with essential oils for relaxation.
  10. Gratitude Journaling: Cultivate a gratitude journal to shift focus towards positive aspects of life.

After Work Hobbies

  1. Outdoor Photography Strolls: Take leisurely photography walks to unwind after work.
  2. Culinary Experimentation: Experiment with new recipes to create enjoyable post-work meals.
  3. Gentle Cycling: Engage in slow and leisurely cycling to decompress from the workday.
  4. Evening Book Club: Join or create an evening book club for shared reading experiences.
  5. Sunset Watching: Wind down by enjoying the beauty of sunsets in your favorite spot.
  6. Dinner Club: Get together with friends and share a meal, either potluck, or take turns cooking.
  7. Listening to Relaxing Podcasts: Tune in to calming podcasts for an easygoing post-work routine.
  8. Home Movie Theater Night: Create a cozy home theater atmosphere for relaxing film nights.
  9. Gentle Yoga Practice: Incorporate gentle yoga stretches into your evening routine for relaxation.
  10. Mindful Tea Ceremony: Engage in a mindful tea ceremony, savoring each sip as a moment of tranquility.
people gathered around a table sharing food
Photo by fauxels

My friend and I got together once a week for years, to enjoy a meal together. Since cooking is my thing, I provided the food. It was one of my favorite hobbies for a very long time! 💙

More Peaceful Hobbies

  1. Zen Gardening: Create a miniature Zen garden with sand, rocks, and small plants to cultivate a calming and meditative space.
  2. Reading Poetry: Explore the world of poetry, savoring the beauty of language and the emotions evoked by carefully crafted verses.
  3. Listening to Classical Music: Immerse yourself in the soothing melodies of classical music, creating a peaceful atmosphere for relaxation (I do this while I’m working and love it).
  4. Yoga Nidra: Experience the benefits of Yoga Nidra, a guided relaxation practice that promotes deep rest and stress reduction.
  5. Star Gazing: Spend evenings under the night sky, gazing at stars and celestial bodies. It can reawaken your sense of wonder.
woman in savasana pose on yoga mat
Photo by Elina Fairytale

One of my favorite things to do before bed during the week is to prepare for sleep with some mellow yoga. You can sign up for a yoga class if you enjoy the sense of community, or just do a free video at home. My favorite teacher is Yoga with Kassandra. This video is for anxiety relief.💙


I hope you find a hobby that you’re excited to embrace! I’m excited for you to discover the power of relaxation and the joy that await you in moments of peace.

Whether it’s through the simplicity of a favorite book, the creation of art, or the exploration of new interests, these hobbies offer a gateway to unwinding, releasing stress, and fostering a sense of well-being.

Wishing you lots of peaceful moments in your newfound hobby. Leave me a reply below and share your favorite hobby for relaxation!

XO, Andrea

65 Relaxing Hobby Ideas to Unwind and Feel Happy
Andrea Scalisi headshot

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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