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95 Powerful Sleep Affirmations for Bedtime Tranquility

You deserve a peaceful night’s sleep. These comforting sleep affirmations will help you slow down, unwind, and welcome sleep like a dear friend. Get cozy, curl up, and allow these bedtime affirmations to soothe your energy as you prepare to dream away.

Do Sleep Affirmations Work?

Yes! Repeating sleep affirmations while you fall asleep will give your mind something to focus on, which will help to soothe your nervous system and settle your thoughts.

Using sleep affirmations is also a great way to practice mindfulness, which can relieve stress and anxiety that may be keeping you awake.

Sleep Affirmations + Law of Attraction

Bedtime affirmations allow you to engage the law of attraction to help you sleep. Your thoughts and feelings are molding your life experiences. 

So if you’re stressed out about not getting enough sleep, or worrying about whatever’s on your list for tomorrow, you’re evoking emotions that don’t align with the energy of deep and peaceful slumber.

When you repeat your sleep affirmation and focus on the emotions that come with it, your vibration will rise, your mind will settle, and sleep will come more naturally.

Positive Sleep Affirmations

Use these powerful sleep affirmations before bed to help you relax and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

  1. I release all my thoughts from the day.
  2. Everything will be waiting for me tomorrow.
  3. When I’m well rested, I solve problems more easily.
  4. I call on my spirit team to watch over everything while I rest. 
  5. I am open to divine guidance during dream time.
  6. Sleep is my welcomed friend. 
  7. My body becomes more relaxed with every breath.
  8. I inhale relaxation and exhale stress.
  9. This is time for rest, not action. 
  10. It’s safe to put my thoughts on hold while I sleep.
positive affirmation for sleep: It's safe to put my thoughts on hold while I sleep.
  1. I did my best today and can start fresh tomorrow.
  2. I feel so comfortable in my bed. 
  3. These are the perfect conditions for sleep to find me. 
  4. My body deserves rest.
  5. My mind deserves rest.
  6. I give myself permission to let go of all tension in my body. 
  7. I am perfectly safe.
  8. My power is in the present moment, and I choose sleep now.
  9. I feel completely relaxed.
  10. This time is for me to raise my vibration.  
  11. Sleep comes naturally to me.
  12. I look forward to beautiful dreams.
  13. My body heals itself while I’m sleeping.
  14. Today offered much to be grateful for.  
  15. I’m ready for a deep and peaceful slumber.
  16. I free myself from any thoughts that don’t support restful sleep.  
  17. Every night I drift off to sleep with a peaceful mind and positive attitude.  
  18. In this moment, my comfort and relaxation are all that matter. 

Would you rather listen to these affirmations while you’re falling asleep? Gotcha covered! Here you go.

Night Affirmations

These affirmations are intended to help you wind down, in the hour or so leading up to sleep. Giving your body and mind time to gradually prepare for nighttime will make the transition from waking to sleep much easier.  Repeat these to prepare your body and mind for sleep each evening: 

  1. I accept and embrace my own sleep cycle. 
  2. I let go of all worries and concerns for tonight. 
  3. I can trust that tomorrow will be a new and better day. 
  4. I give myself permission to relax and fall asleep.
  5. I only fill my thoughts with peaceful visions and serene sounds.
  6. I am safe and secure in this moment. 
  7. I am releasing all of my worries and concerns.
  8. I will wake refreshed and energized tomorrow morning. 
  9. My breathing is deep and relaxed, as I rest peacefully. 
  10. I practice mindfulness while I perform my nightly routine.
  11. My body is filled with peace and relaxation, leaving me feeling calm and content. 
  12. Everything that needs to be done has been taken care of for the day and now I can rest easy. 
  13. Tonight is a time for me to recharge my mind, body and soul for the day ahead of me tomorrow. 
  14. Each breath deeply relaxes me further as I slowly drift off into a resting sleep .  
  15. I will enjoy a full night’s peaceful restful sleep tonight .
  16. I consciously let go of stress and tensions from the day. 
  17. I am safe and well-protected in this moment. 
  18. I take a deep breath to clear my thoughts and relax my mind. 
  19. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.
  20. I accept myself just as I am right now. 
  21. My energy is restored with every breath I take. 
  22. My body is getting more relaxed with every passing minute.
  23. A restful night enables me to face the day ahead with energy and clarity.
  24. A good night’s rest prepares me for a healthy new day.
  25. Sleep comes easily to me tonight and restores my strength. 

Sleep Affirmations for Self Love

While you’re preparing to drift off to sleep is the perfect time to shower yourself with gentle loving care.

  1. I am worthy of a beautiful night’s sleep. 
  2. I allow myself to rest, relax, and reset for a new day. 
  3. When I wake up tomorrow morning, I will be refreshed and energized. 
  4. I release all of the stress, anxiety and negative thoughts keeping me awake at night. 
  5. With each exhale, my body relaxes further. 
  6. Every single issue that worries me is taken away with my sleep. 
  7. Each night brings a chance to start fresh with love and optimism.
  8. I am worthy and deserving of rest. 
  9. Giving myself plenty of time for rest is an act of self-love.
  10. I listen to my body and relax. 
  11. I’m proud of what I accomplished today.
  12. I trust myself and honor my needs. 
  13. My sleep routine is gentle, nurturing, and calming for me. 
  14. I forgive myself for anything that did not go as planned today. 
  15. Peaceful thoughts fill my mind so I can get a good night’s sleep. 
  16. I eagerly look forward to pleasant dreams tonight.  
  17. My body knows how to fall asleep without any effort on my part.  
  18. Sleep renews my spirit and gives me joy in life.
  19. I have the power to heal through peace and rest. 

For more on self-love, read this next: Self Love Affirmations to Embrace Your Worthiness

Sleep Affirmations for Anxiety Relief

Sleep can be hard to come by with all the stress of everyday life, but with sleep affirmations, you can create the space in your mind to rest more deeply. 

  1. I am in the present moment and I can let go of my worries. 
  2. I lovingly release my anxieties and invite restful sleep. 
  3. I choose thoughts that align with the vibration of peaceful sleep. 
  4. Thoughts are like passing clouds that cannot affect me now. 
  5. I rest easy knowing that I will encounter all of tomorrow’s challenges with a clear, renewed mind.
  6. I trust that all is taken care of and I allow myself to drift peacefully into sleep.
  7. While I sleep, my vibration will rise so I can awaken feeling my best.
  8. It’s safe to let go of today.
  9. I am at peace and deeply relaxed. 
  10. I have released all tension in my body. 
  11. My thoughts and feelings are calmer now. 
  12. I release any worries from my day to create a sense of inner peace. 
  13. My physical and emotional wellbeing is restored through peaceful sleep.  
  14. I relax into the night knowing I can simply drift off to sleep with ease. 
  15. I choose to focus on thoughts that soothe me tonight. 
  16. My subconscious is filled with calming, soothing images as I drift off to sleep.  
  17. Sleep enables me to feel energized and refreshed tomorrow morning.  
  18. The power of restful sleep brings me closer to myself and those around me.
  19. I am open to new insights and creative solutions during dreamtime.
  20. Getting into bed is my body’s signal to let go of the day and unwind.
  21. I focus on my breathing when my mind wanders.
  22. I make my body as comfortable as possible while I rest.
  23. My only job right now is to relax and enjoy my downtime.

For more anxiety support, read this next: 101 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Relief Now

How to Use Your Sleep Affirmations

Did you find a few bedtime affirmations that you find especially soothing? Here are some ideas for using them:

Bedtime Rituals to Attract Sleep

Sleep is a sacred time for your mind and body to rest while your spirit roams free. You can honor this very special experience with a nightly ritual. By preparing your body and surroundings for sleep, you’ll signal your brain that it’s time to wind down. As a result, you’ll fall asleep faster.

Usually sleep eludes you because there’s too much going on in your mind. So indulge each of your five senses with focal points that encourage sleep. Here are some ideas to try to practice mindfulness while you’re getting ready for bed.




Aromatherapy is a powerful tool to help you sleep. The right essential oils can lower stress hormones in your body and help you feel more settled.

Counting Sheep is a warm and woodsy blend of Patchouli, Lavender, Sandalwood, and Ylang Ylang. It melts away stress so you can more easily settle into your bedtime ritual.

Diffuse, or place a drop onto the palm of your hand before hopping into bed. Then, close your eyes, rub your hands together, and cup them over your nose and mouth. Inhale deeply. You’ll notice a shift in mental chatter right away.💜


This may be a no brainer, but brush your teeth with a toothpaste you like, before you go to sleep. Any sensory pleasures you can offer yourself will help.

Did you know they make nighttime toothepaste with chamomile extract to help you fall asleep? How cool is that!


Offer your mind something to focus on with your sense of touch.   

How Sleeping Can Help You Manifest

Sleep plays a huge role in manifesting your desires. When you’re asleep, your vibration rises because you’re not holding it down with worrisome thoughts.

Sleep holds the same benefits as meditation, because it stops thought.

As a result, solutions and inspiration flow to you with ease. Have you ever awoken with a great idea that seemed to come out of nowhere? That’s evidence that your mind, body, and spirit are in alignment.

So while it seems unlikely, sleeping can be a highly productive activity! If you find yourself having a day where nothing seems to be going well, and you’re too wound up to meditate, take a nap or go to bed early. Sleep is the easiest way to bring yourself back to center and move up the emotional guidance scale


You deserve deep, restful sleep every night, my friend. Wishing you sweet dreams! Scroll down to leave me a comment and share your experience.

Remember, the more you practice these affirmations, the better they work. So devote yourself to this self-care ritual. You deserve a great night’s sleep, every night.

XO, Andrea

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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