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70 Powerful Crown Chakra Affirmations to Nourish Your Spirit

If you feel like you need to get back to your spiritual roots, crown chakra affirmations and mantras can help. These beautiful statements will connect you with your inner peace, soothe your soul, and remind you that you’re a Divine extension of Source energy. Let’s begin!

What Are Crown Chakra Affirmations?

Crown chakra affirmations are positive statements that focus on expanding your awareness of your spiritual nature.

As you focus on choosing more positive thoughts, you’ll begin to build new pathways in your brain that will eventually make this new way of thinking an effortless habit. When this happens, you’ll find deeper meaning and fulfillment in your life.

If you want a deeper dive into the what the crown chakra is and how it becomes blocked, read this post next: The Complete Guide to Healing Your Crown Chakra 

How To Open Your Crown Chakra with Affirmations

There are many gentle and safe ways to dissolve a crown chakra block. You can visualize yourself being bathed in violet light or spend time in nature. But today we’ll be focusing on crown chakra affirmations.

The positive energy of your words will begin to raise your vibration and clear away crown chakra blockages. 

Healing Crown Chakra Affirmations

  1. I am on my perfect path for my life purpose.
  2. I become more enlightened each day.
  3. I am in harmony with nature and animals.
  4. Everything is connected.
  5. My life is beautiful and sacred. 
  6. My soul is always guiding me.
  7. I easily recognize divine wisdom as it flows to me.  
  8. My life flows beautifully.
  9. I am always learning from my experiences.
  10. I’m learning to release attachments to physical things.
  11. My happiness comes from within.
  12. I observe challenges with curiosity about what they can teach me.
crown chakra affirmation: I observe challenges with curiosity about what they can teach me.

  1. I am a divine being.
  2. I enjoy the little things in life. 
  3. I am connected to all of life.
  4. I open my heart to receive divine wisdom.
  5. I am always guided and supported from above.
  6. I see the world with clarity and truth.
  7. My spiritual awareness is a powerful tool for me to use in life.
  8. All of my decisions lead me to a brighter future filled with joy.
  9. My soul chose this life experience for growth and expansion. 
  10. I release all fear and doubt, knowing that divine order is bringing abundance into my life.
  11. I am a courageous creator of my own destiny, fearlessly manifesting my dreams.
  12. I have faith in the infinite wisdom of the Universe and allow myself to be showered by its love and light.
  13. I easily expand my consciousness and connection with the divine.
  14. I am attuned to a higher awareness of truth, love, and oneness with life force energy.

  1. I am a cooperative component with the universe, on the leading edge of creation.  
  2. Death is nothing to be afraid of because I am more than my physical body.  
  3. All is well in my world.
  4. I am open to knowing myself more deeply.
  5. Separation is an illusion; I am connected to all that is.  
  6. I am joyful.  
  7. I trust the universe and know that I am always safe.
  8. I am healing on all levels of my being.
  9. I understand that I am an important connection in the web of life.
  10. I am more than my ego-self.
  11. My crown chakra is open and in perfect balance.
  12. I choose to live in the present moment because ‘now’ is all there is.
  13. All of my power is in the now.
  14. I vibrate at the frequency of appreciation and pure joy.
  1. I know that everyone is at a different level of spiritual awareness, and doing the best they can.  
  2. I release limiting thoughts, beliefs, and relationships that no longer serve me.
  3. Abundance is a natural result of my gratitude and appreciation for life.
  4. Prosperity flows to me with ease when I’m in alignment with my true self.
  5. My sincere gratitude and appreciation for life attracts abundance to me.  
  6. I am an extension of the universe, limitless and infinite.  
  7. I practice acceptance for all people.  
  8. I am a vibrational being, attracting people and experiences that match my frequency. 
  9. I have everything I need to fulfill my life’s purpose.  
  10. My very existence is proof that I am adored by the universe. 
  11. I honor negative emotions that arise within me because they are my teachers.
  12. I am spiritually awake and aware. 

Crown Chakra ‘I Understand’ Affirmations

In English, the action or mantra associated to the crown chakra is ‘I Understand’. This is because the crown chakra is all about spiritual awareness.

So, affirmations that begin with the mantra ‘I understand’ are super effective for stimulating the crown chakra.

  1. I understand that I am a spiritual being having a human experience. 
  2. I understand that all living beings are connected. 
  3. I understand that conflict is an essential part of life.  
  4. I understand that I am more than my physical identity.  
  5. I understand the law of attraction will bring me what I focus on.
  6. I understand I have the ability to connect with the energy of my passed loved ones.
  7. I understand that I am co-creating my life with the universe.
  8. I understand that mindfulness keeps my vibration high.
  9. I understand that everything is energy.
  10. I understand that my soul came here to grow and expand.

  1. I understand that I can experience as much abundance as I am willing to allow.
  2. I understand that gratitude makes me a magnet for blessings.
  3. I understand how precious this life is.
  4. I understand that the Universe is divinely guiding and protecting me.
  5. I understand there is purpose and meaning to everything.
  6. I understand my thoughts and feelings are energy.
  7. I understand how powerful my own mind is.
  8. I understand I’m manifesting my own life experiences with my focus.
For a slideshow of these images, visit the crown chakra affirmations web story.

Traditional Crown Chakra Mantra

In the context of the chakras, a mantra is the sound that resonates with that particular energy center. So when you repeat it, it brings that chakra back into balance.

Mantras are most often used for chanting with mala beads, or as a focal point for meditation.

Repeating the crown chakra mantra basically works the same as affirmations: with repetition and intention, they balance the energy flowing through the crown chakra.

What Is the Mantra for the Crown Chakra?

The traditional mantra for the crown chakra is AUM. So if you enjoy chanting, you can repeat this sound either aloud or in your mind, to activate your crown chakra.

You can repeat the AUM chant as many times as you’d like (in your mind or aloud) but here are a few options:

Make Your Crown Chakra Affirmations More Powerful

Your crown chakra responds readily to essential oils. As an Aromatherapist, I am always teaching people about the powerful connection between your emotional mind and sense of smell.

If you can associate your crown chakra affirmation to a pleasing scent, you’ll unlock your affirmations’ power every time you experience that aroma.

As a result, your affirmations will work faster, and more effectively.

This crown chakra oil blend by Rocky Mountain Oils was created specifically to get in touch with your spiritual nature:

This blend of Sacred Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lemon, Lavender, and Neroli smells like heaven! 💜Diffuse it when you say your crown chakra affirmations or try the roll-on to remind you of your connection to Spirit throughout the day.


Give yourself several days to make these crown chakra affirmations a habitual part of your spiritual self-care routine. You will absolutely notice a difference if you stick to them!

Drop me a comment below with your favorite affirmation from the list or share your own personal favorite. 

XO, Andrea

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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