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Angel Number 6: A Powerful Message of Material Comfort

Have you been asking for more abundance? Angel number 6 is a clear and direct reply to your request. Your spirit team has a loving message to share that will set your mind at ease.  

Angel Number 6 Meaning

If you’ve been seeing the number 6 lately, your spirit team is reassuring you that your needs will always be met.

Angel number 6 when it’s time to release fears and limiting beliefs, especially regarding abundance. So if you’re if you’ve been worried about your financial situation, know that you have full access to all the resources you need to be successful. This includes money, time, ideas, and helpful people.

This is an abundant universe, and there is no shortage of anything, although sometimes it can feel that way if you’ve forgotten your Divine nature.

Your angels will send you 6s when your thoughts have been dwelling on your material world. You were meant to have a beautiful home, and to feel comfortable and secure. So in order to attract this, your spirit team invites you to shift away from worry and toward gratitude. This is because when you worry, it becomes extremely difficult to attract abundance. 

Law of attraction will deliver you experiences to match your thoughts. So if your dominant thoughts revolve around what’s missing in your life, you can’t manifest the upgrades you deserve.

Your angels want you to experience abundance in every area of life so that you can uplift others.  So start expressing gratitude for what you’re already have because that is going to turn you into a magnet for miracles. You are so loved and so worthy of the best in all things. 

The other main theme that comes through with number 6 is love, love, love. So know that your angels are sending you a squeeze whenever you see this number.

What To Do When You See Angel Number 6

When you see angel number 6, you’re being encouraged to step into your power and experience more joy.

I’m breaking down the spiritual meaning and guidance of this number below. But also, spend some time reflecting and meditating on what this number means for you, personally. You can ask your angels to show you the way towards living a happier, wiser and more prosperous life, and then watch for signs.

Shift Into Abundance Mindset

Seeing angel number 6 is an indication that you are being called to focus your thoughts on abundance. 

The spiritual meaning behind the number 6 is to manifest abundance in your life, in all forms. This applies to material wealth, emotional well-being, and even forming deeper connections with other people. 

Here are some ways you can align your vibration with the energy of abundance:

As you practice worthiness and establish a healthier relationship with money, prosperity will flow to you far more easily.

angel number 6 message: All of your material needs will be met. Keep practicing worthiness because you deserve abundance!

Connect With Your Intuition

The angel number 6 is also a loving reminder to trust your intuition and listen to the messages from the universe. 

When you tap into your intuition, it allows you access to inner wisdom that will help guide you in making decisions. There are many ways to do this – meditation, mindfulness practices, journaling and oracle cards are all great methods for uncovering deeper understanding about yourself.  

The number 6 is often a message to balance your 6th chakra, or third eye. This chakra is all about trusting your inner guidance and strengthening your connection to Source.

One of the easiest ways to open your third eye is by using essential oils. As an Aromatherapist, I’m always teaching people about the powerful connection between your inner world and your sense of smell. Specific oils can stimulate your pituitary gland and open you up to your own psychic abilities.

This blend by Rocky Mountain Oils smells absolutely amazing. I use it myself before meditation, at bedtime, or whenever I want to be intuitively aware:

RMO’s Third Eye Chakra oil is a blend of Ylang Ylang Complete, Lavender, Clary Sage, Pine, and Frankincense Serrata. It smells so wonderful and is a beautiful way to connect with your inner guidance. 💜

Practice Gratitude

Appreciation makes you a powerful magnet for abundance and joy. As you focus on what you enjoy, law of attraction will begin to deliver you more experiences that are a vibrational match to your positive emotions.

Here are some ways to develop a gratitude practice:

Angel Number 6 in Love

When it comes to love, number 6 offers two messages. First, you deserve to be loved! Second, as mentioned above, this number is a reminder not to worry about how, when, or where your romantic relationships will come to you (or heal, if you’re already in a committed partnership).

Instead, your angels ask you to talk to them directly: let them know you are open to more love in your life, and then allow them to take care of the details.

There is no need to stress because you are completely surrounded by love at all times. The less you worry, the high your vibration becomes, and the easier it will be to attract sweetness in your life.

If you’re focused on finding your perfect match, check these out next:


Did the spiritual meaning of angel number 6 resonate with your life? I hope its messages bring you comfort and empowerment. You have powerful help in your corner!

If you found this helpful, please share this post so others who are seeing angel number 6 can find it.

XO, Andrea

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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