The Haven Shoppe

The Best Women’s Affirmations For Your Self Care Routine

Hey, ladies! Over the years, I’ve noticed recurring themes among my female-identifying clients and readers. While the circumstances are unique, we all share the need for healing in very specific areas of life. These positive affirmations for women are broken out by the biggest hitting topics.

You deserve a life that fulfills, inspires, and supports you in all ways! These positive words for women will help.

What Are Positive Affirmations for Women?

If you’re not familiar with how affirmations work, you may want to check this out first: What Are Affirmations?  

But in general, a positive affirmation is a statement about yourself, that you want to want to become true. Positive affirmations can help remind you of your goals, and bring you powerful mindset shifts. 

The best way to understand what women’s affirmations are, is by looking at examples. I’m sharing over 100 of the best affirmations here, but I encourage you to tweak them, or come up with your own. It’s important the positive affirmations you use feel authentic to you.  

Positive women’s affirmations work best when they’re repeated often, and there’s a lot to take in here! So I strongly suggest you take a second now to save/pin this for easy reference in the future.

These  positive statements also make great quotes for vision boards! I’m including lots of printable pins throughout the post, so be sure to scroll through for your favorites.

Why Say Positive Statements About Yourself?

Positive affirmations about yourself are such an important part of self care, because you eventually begin to believe the thoughts you repeat on a regular basis. A belief is really just a thought you’ve had lots of practice thinking and saying.

So, in order to feel more confident, strong, relaxed, and empowered, you need to train your brain to think in those terms. Positive affirmations can help you make a habit out of this new way of thinking. Then once you’re accustomed to thinking positively about yourself, your expectations will get higher. At that point, law of attraction will start working in your favor, bringing you upgraded experiences to match your beliefs.

It all starts with just a few positive words about yourself – your mind is that powerful!

If you want to learn more about law of attraction, read this next: What Is Law of Attraction? Your Easy Beginner’s Guide

Self Love Affirmations for Women

Self love is one of the biggest topics that comes up for women. Your heart chakra carries every experience that has ever touched your heart.

So if you don’t do healing work, that energy can become trapped. As a result you end up adopting beliefs about yourself that are hurtful and untrue.

If you struggle to forgive yourself, or are holding onto feelings of guilt and shame, you need heart chakra healing. These self love affirmations are a great place to start, but you should check these posts out next:

Here are my favorite self love affirmations for women. I hope they help you on your healing journey. You are loveable, my friend!

1) I forgive myself for past mistakes

2) Every experience holds a blessing for me 

3) I’m so happy to be me

4) Healthy relationships flow to me with ease 

5) My life is filled with people who care for me

6) I am lovable

7) I’m beautiful in my own unique way

"I am beautiful in my own unique way."

8) My heart is healing

9) I love using my natural talents to help others

10) Other people don’t determine my worth

11) I deserve to be happy

12) My soul is growing and learning

13) It’s okay that I’m not perfect

14) I feel proud of myself  

15) Nothing about me needs fixing

16) I am not damaged or broken

17) Joyful experiences flow to me with ease 

18) I take loving care of my body

19) It feels good to think loving thoughts about myself

20) My life has purpose

21) I love who I am

22) I love who I’m becoming

Calming Affirmations (for Anxiety)

23) I am safe

24) Everything is okay

25) I’m feeling anxious but it will pass

26) My spirit team is always helping me

27) All is well in my world (from Louise Hay)

28) I inhale peace and exhale stress

29) This situation is manageable – I’ve got this.

30) I am grounding my energy and finding stability with every breath

31) The universe has my back (from Gabby Bernstein)

32) My soul is always at peace

33) I’m in control of my emotions

34) My senses are picking up sights, smells, and textures that are soothing to me  

35) I’m becoming a bit more relaxed with each second that goes by 

36) Soon I’ll return to my natural state of calm. Negative emotions are always temporary.

37) This isn’t as dangerous as it feels

38) I focus my thoughts on the present moment

39) Worst case scenarios in my mind aren’t real

40) There’s nothing going on here that I can’t handle

41) It’s okay to not feel okay

If you struggle with anxiety issues like so many women do, it means your solar plexus chakra needs soothing. Your solar plexus is your center for personal power, courage, and confidence, and when it’s overactive, you can feel anxious and unsure about yourself.

There are many things you can do to heal your energy in this area. Positive affirmations for women are an excellent tool, but if you want to read more about solar plexus healing, read this next: The Best Guide to Solar Plexus Chakra Healing

Strong Woman Affirmations

This list of positive women’s affirmations focuses on women’s empowerment and strength. These values live in your solar plexus chakra. So if you feel disempowered or unworthy, you have an opportunity to boost your solar plexus.

The affirmations below are perfect for building your sense of personal strength, but you’ll want to check these out too: Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations to Feel Calm and Strong

These make really good morning affirmations for women, too!

42) It’s safe to embrace my personal power

43) I deserve upgrades!

44) My actions are divinely guided

45) I’m eager to take on new challenges 

46) I’ve totally got this

47) Making decisions comes easily to me

48) I’m perfectly capable of creating positive change

49) I set healthy boundaries for myself

50) The universe supports me in all ways

51) I am free to make choices that support my goals

52) It’s okay that I can’t please everyone

53) My opinions have value

54) It’s fun to pick and choose where I direct my energy

55) The resources I need will always find me at the perfect time

56) I’m turning my thoughts to things through my focused intention

57) Opportunities flow to me from all directions

58) I’m a powerful creator

59) Every day is an chance to learn something new

60) I am ready to step up

61) My work is deeply fulfilling

62) I say yes to new opportunities because I’m a capable, intelligent woman.

63) Everything is always working out for me (by Abraham Hicks)

65) I am crushing my goals

65) Watch out world because I am unstoppable!

Positive Affirmations for Women’s Health

66) My body is a healing machine

67) I love my body. It’s a spiritual gift to be a woman.

68) Every cell in my body responds to my loving care

69) My natural state is one of vibrant health 

70) Food is my friend, and I use it as medicine

71) My body loves me and is in full cooperation with my healing goals. 

72) It feels wonderful to be alive

73) I think of my body as a precious child that I lovingly care for

74) There’s more going right in my body than there is going wrong

75) I am a strong and healthy woman

76) Every breath I take brings me healing 

77) I am always discovering new ways to support my wellness 

78) My body heals naturally while I sleep 

79) Every day I bring my wellness back into balance

80) As I focus on joy and emotional healing, my body heals too.  

81) Every time I laugh my immune system gets stronger

82) I am open to receiving miracles

83) Illness is an opportunity for me to know myself on a deeper level

84) It’s safe to let dis-ease leave my body

85) I thank my illness for the lessons and release it

86) Every illness holds a valuable lesson; it’s my body’s way of point out where it needs more love

87) I am ready to embrace radiant health

Weight Loss Affirmations

88) My body is precious and I treat it well  

89) I naturally crave foods that nourish my body, mind and spirit

91) My body loves me and responds to my thoughts

92) I deserve to feel my best

93) I find healthy outlets for my stress

94) Its fun to move my body

95) My body is a sacred temple

96) I’m taking the time to take care of me

97) Change is safe 

98) I’m getting stronger every day

99) I feel more energized than ever before

100) There’s more to me than my weight

101) I only say positive things about my body, because my words become my reality.

102) I’m enjoying the process of reaching my ideal weight, and there is no rush

103) My metabolism is coming back into balance

104) I’m learning new ways to take care of myself

105) My outer self is a reflection of my inner self, and both are healing

106) I value my wellness

107) I’m making positive changes for myself and the people who love me

108) My wellness needs are top priority

109) I release limiting beliefs about my ability to change my body  

110) My wellness journey is part of my spiritual path. It ushers joy into my life.

Positive Affirmations For Women Who Feel Defeated

We all feel like life has gotten the better of us sometimes. If you’re feeling defeated, you should know that you aren’t alone, and that your feelings are completely validated.

Being a woman can be a challenge. That’s why you need to carve self care time into your schedule. When you’re feeling defeated, it’s the perfect time to pamper your body. As you do this, your mind will follow suit. Try taking a sacred bath or smudging your home. These activities are the perfect setting to say your positive affirmations.

11) This is a learning experience, and I will gain wisdom from my challenges

112) I’m so proud of my progress

113) I do my very best every day, and that’s good enough

114) My story is unique and I never compare myself to others

115) My thoughts are powerful, and I can use them to create a better life

116) Tomorrow is a new day and a chance for a fresh start.

117) I can do anything I set my mind to.

118) Everything is always working out in my best interest, even if I can’t see it yet

119) It’s okay to feel tired. I deserve rest and relaxation.


I hope you soak up the healing power of these powerful affirmations for her. If there’s an area of life you’re working on that you don’t see here, leave a reply and I’ll add it to the list!

XO,  Andrea

Want more positive affirmations for women? Check these out next:

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

What Are Affirmations?

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