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45 Heart Chakra Journal Prompts for Love and Emotional Healing

Are you open to more love and inner peace? These heart chakra journal prompts will guide you toward the heart healing that you deserve. So get cozy, pour yourself a healing brew, and grab your journal. It’s time for heart healing.

Your heart chakra holds all your potential for the love. So it’s incredibly sacred and important work to focus on healing, forgiveness, and inner peace. Honor yourself for being here! Heart chakra journaling is a beautiful expression of self love.

When To Do Heart Chakra Journaling

I created these heart chakra journal prompts as a tool to help you explore your emotions and guide yourself toward heart healing, inner peace, and love.

You can use these prompts as often as you need, whether it’s daily, or monthly as part of your full moon journaling ritual. I personally recommend doing heart chakra journaling at the end of your day, so you can review and reflect on things that brought you joy, and any opportunities for healing. 

Reach for your heart chakra journal whenever you need to:

45 heart chakra jounral prompts + questions pin

How To Use These Journal Prompts

It’s perfectly natural for the flow of energy through the heart chakra to fluctuate as you’re exposed to different people and events.  

So when you sit down to do your heart chakra journaling, it’s a dedicated time for you to process all the thoughts and feelings that came up throughout the day.

If you have a hurtful or uncomfortable experience and don’t take the time to process it and release it, your heart chakra will become blocked. As a result, the world feels like a cold and unloving place.

In other words, your negative thoughts and emotions will make you a magnet for negative experiences. That’s how law of attraction works. Your emotions truly are that powerful, and you deserve to feel your best! So trust that as your heart heals, every area of your life will benefit.

Heart chakra journaling is your way to be mindful of the patterns you’re creating, so you can manifest more joyful and loving experiences.

These are just prompts to get you thinking, so feel free to change them or add to them in any way that you see fit.

Using these heart chakra journal prompts should make you feel better. So only dig into your negative emotions for as long as it brings you a sense of relief. After that, dwelling in negativity will not serve you.

The whole point of these heart chakra journals is to help to guide you up the emotional scale so that you can manifest the beautiful and loving experiences that you so very much deserve.

You can learn about how your emotions affect your vibration here:

Energy Vibrations Between People: Who Are You Manifesting?

Heart Chakra Journal Prompts

Heart Chakra Journal Questions

Heart Chakra Shadow Work Prompts + Questions

More Tools for Emotional Healing

 Heart healing takes time, so remember to be gentle with yourself as you move through this process at your own pace.

I share my favorite heart chakra healing affirmations in this post: 39 Heart Chakra Affirmations for Soothing and Inner Peace

They will sooth your emotions and wrap you in a warm hug, whenever you need it.

For more ways to practice self-love, I urge you to read this post as well: How to Practice Self Love: 11 Life Changing Tips

Also, my biggest tip for heart chakra healing is to pair any of your practices with heart healing essential oils.

As a certified Aromatherapist, I can attest to the powerful connection between emotion (especially emotions attached to memories) and your sense of smell.

This is the heart chakra blend that I use. It is so comforting; I know you’ll love it. Diffuse it into the air, or massage a dab into the pages of your heart healing journal.

It comes in a roll-on as well. The roller ball is actually made of rose quartz, so not only are you receiving the heart healing properties of the oils, but you’re getting heart healing crystal energy, too! I’ve really never seen anything like this and can’t recommend it enough.

I like to use the roller to draw a heart onto my wrist, or sometimes right over my heart, as a reminder of self-love.


Did these heart chakra journal prompts soothe your soul? I hope you find these tools useful as you continue on your healing journey.

If you want to explore more journal prompts, these are also perfect for heart chakra healing:

65 Self Love Journal Prompts for Healing + Self Discovery

50 Break Up Journal Prompts to Mend Your Heart

You deserve love!❤

XO, Andrea

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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