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Angel Number 3: Ascended Masters Are Helping You Now

Have you been seeing the number 3 everywhere? If so, it means you have some incredibly powerful helpers at your service! Today I’m sharing the complete meaning of angel number 3, and how you can apply its meaning to your life.   

Angel Number 3 Meaning

Is your spirit team sending you the number 3? Then you’re in excellent company because it represents the presence of ascended masters. 

If you’re seeing 3s everywhere, it means that your spirit team has called in the big guns to assist you at this time!

Who comes to mind when you think of an ascended Master? Is it Jesus, Quan Yin, or perhaps Buddha? Whoever popped into your headfirst has stepped in to consult with your spirit team regarding your current situation.

Angel Number 3 + Confidence

Number 3 carries the energy of confidence and personal power.

So this is the time to really step up and rethink your limitations. How might you be holding yourself back out of fear?

Your angels are letting you know, through the number 3, that you are capable of so much more than you realize. So make sure you aren’t selling yourself short! 

When you see angel number 3, your spirit team is infusing you with courage. It’s their way of reminding you how absolutely worthy you are.

You are perfectly capable of creating positive change in your life, and they fully support you as you move toward your goals. This is the time to be fearless!

angel number 3 message: Ascended masters are closeby sending you strength. Be brave!

Spiritual Meaning of 3

The meaning of 3 also relates to your third chakra, the solar plexus. Your solar plexus chakra is all about personal power and positive self-image. So at this time, your angels encourage you to do some self-healing work in this area.

As your solar plexus heals, you’ll begin to feel stronger, more decisive, and empowered. If you need a boost in this department, you’ll want to check out these articles next:

Do you know your life path number? ✨Enter your birthday into my free calculator to find out! Life Path Number Calculator: The Hidden Meaning of Your Birthday

Angel Number 3 Meaning in Love

Angel number 3 carries the energy of success, and the romance department is no exception. In regard to love, the number 3 encourages you to spread your wings and get out of your comfort zone, so you can gain clarity on exactly what you prefer.

This angel number is an invitation to be more social. Your spirit team wants you to make new friends and express yourself authentically to the people already in your life. You deserve to feel great about yourself; if you need a reminder of how incredibly worthy you are, this is it. 

Your spirit team is right on board and will help you pick a partner (or upgrade your existing relationship) that perfectly suits your needs, desires, and high standards. 

Twin Flame and Angel Number 3

Angel number 3 is also associated with twin flame connections, since it resonates strongly with spiritual connections and love. 

This angel number can indicate that you may be experiencing a soulmate connection, and that it may even lead to a deeper relationship of true unconditional love and self-discovery

The beautiful energy of this angel number helps you to nourish and embrace the sacred connection you have with your higher self, so you can create the perfect balance of power in all your relationships.  

Why Am I Seeing Angel Number 3?

When you see angel number 3, it’s an invitation to shift your perspective about what you’re capable of, and what you deserve.

The angel numbers you notice are a result of your vibration. The law of attraction makes you a magnet for experiences that match your dominant thoughts and feelings. 

So when you’re feeling insecure, worried, or in doubt of your confidence, your angels will take the opportunity to send you this angel number to let you know you’re being helped.  

Who Is Angel Number 3?

The number 3 is associated with ascended masters (like Jesus, Buddha, etc) as well as the archangels. The particular angel that swoops in will be based on what you need at this time. 

Each of these archangels can help you build up your confidence in different ways. As you look through this list, notice who you’re drawn to:

What To Do When You See Angel Number 3

When you see angel number 3, it’s a direct call to start trusting yourself to take inspired action. You are better equipped than you know to handle this situation! To help you step into your power, try some of these activities:

Is 3 a Sacred Number?

Yes, 3 is absolutely considered a sacred number and is a sign that archangels are gathering closely around you. As I mentioned above, angel number 3 symbolizes creative courage, self-expression, and joy.  

Sacred numbers are symbols present in every living thing. Angel number 3 is one of them, and it holds great power with its vibration. 


Which ascended master entered or archangel your mind? If you’re not sure, don’t worry about it. Instead, ask yourself who you’d like to work with – they will respond to your thoughts and rush forward to assist you.

Did the message of angel number 3 resonate with the situations unfolding in your life? If you found it helpful, please share this post so someone else can find it!

XO, Andrea

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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