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10 Sure Ways To Heal a Solar Plexus Chakra Blockage

Today we’re exploring what causes the solar plexus chakra blockage, and the best ways to bring it back into balance. Get ready because it’s time to reclaim your power!

Your solar plexus chakra is your center for personal power, confidence, and worthiness. So if you need help in these areas, then you’re in the right place! A solar plexus chakra blockage is your soul’s way of letting you know you deserve the very best in all things.

What Is The Solar Plexus Chakra Responsible For?

The solar plexus chakra, or Manipura in Sanskrit, is third energy center in your chakra system and is represented by the color yellow. Each chakra builds on the one below it, starting broad at the bottom and coming into finer focus as you move upward. 

So, the first chakra focuses on your tribe.

The second chakra focuses on your one-on-one partnerships.

Your third chakra zooms in even more and focuses on your relationship to self.

Every experience you’ve had that affects how you perceive yourself is recorded in your solar plexus chakra. 

Your chakra system makes up the colors of your aura. Yellow represents the solar plexus chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra Meaning

Let’s start with the basics of your third chakra:

solar plexus chakra symbol
The solar plexus chakra symbol is a 10 petaled lotus flower, with an inverted triangle in the middle.

What Causes A Solar Plexus Chakra Blockage?

It’s perfectly normal for your solar chakra to become blocked every once in a while. Since it has to do with confidence, decisiveness, and healthy boundaries, situations like this can affect it:

These types of situations will hit your solar plexus chakra. But whether they cause a blockage or not depends on how strong you are in this area.

If you have a healthy self image, situations like the ones above won’t create a solar plexus chakra blockage.

On the other hand, if you suffer from low self esteem, any situation that calls on you to be couragous and assertive will be a challenge for you.

Your solar plexus represents your relationship to yourself. How well balanced this chakra is, is typically formed between the ages between 14 to 21.

So your upbringing, early romantic experiences, and your social life as a teen, feed into the viewpoint you form about yourself. And this is the determining factor on whether you form a solar plexus block.

There is always room for healing and growth! So not to worry – all of your power is in the present moment. It’s time to leave the past where it belongs and focus on what you want to experience now.

It’s important for you to know that something you may find upsetting now will barely make a blip on your radar once you’ve healed your solar plexus chakra. And that’s what I want to teach you today.

How Do I Know If My Solar Plexus Chakra Is Blocked?

If you’re still unsure if your solar plexus is blocked, then you can start by asking yourself questions: 

If your answers don’t reflect personal strength, confidence, and self worth, then you deserve some healing in this area.

Solar Plexus Chakra Blockage Symptoms

When your solar plexus chakra is blocked then you’ll experiences several of these emotions on a regular basis:

You may also suffer from physical symptoms, if the blockage goes unattended. Remember these symptoms are loving signals from your soul. They shine a light on the areas of your life that need healing:

How to Clear a Solar Plexus Chakra Blockage

The most common sign that you’re in need of solar plexus chakra healing is the feeling of anxiety. So notice the situations you’re in when your anxiety is high.

How are you being called to be brave?

There are many others ways to bring healing to your solar plexus chakra and we’re going to discuss them all.  

Wear Yellow

Every chakra resonates with a particular color. Your solar plexus chakra aligns with yellow.

So as a reminder of your inner strength, wear something yellow. Or treat yourself to a bouquet of yellow flowers, and keep them in a spot where you spend a lot of time.

Yellow carries the vibration confidence, happiness, and strength. 

Sunflowers carry the energy of self respect and personal power. Keep some in your space, or plant them as a reminder of your own personal growth.

Set Healthy Boundaries

For starters, you’re allowed to say no! Also, the fact that you’re reading about solar plexus healing is a sign that you’re ready to recall the power you’ve given away to other people.

So its time to bring the scales back into balance in all areas of your life. It’s important to understand that you don’t have to be aggressive in order to set limits. You can set clear boundaries in your own loving way.

Also, have you been compromising your own needs to soothe someone else’s ego? Or perhaps you feel your needs aren’t as important as the everyone else’s.

Well, nothing could be further from the truth, my friend! In fact, it’s your sacred responsibility to stand up for yourself. This is crucial to solar plexus healing because you teach others how to treat you by the way you treat yourself. 

Be Assertive

Does fear of dealing with someone else’s reaction keep you from asserting yourself? Because to heal your solar plexus, you’ll need to start honoring your worth by taking the actions that are best for you.

You don’t need anyone’s permission when it comes to personal decision making.

This isn’t a sign of selfishness, so don’t feel guilty. On the contrary, when something is truly good for you, it will be in everyone’s best interest. 

So look for opportunities to assert yourself, even if it’s something small. As a result, you’ll feel amazingly empowered. 

Get Outside Your Comfort Zone

There is no courage without the presence of fear. So taking steps toward the life you want is a sign of bravery! 

Start going out of your way to try new things as a way to heal your solar plexus.

It doesn’t matter if you take a huge leap or make a shift so subtle that only you know about it. Just go at your own pace and enjoy the feeling of pride as you push the limits you’ve set for yourself.

You’re allowed to change and grow!

Have you ever taken yourself out for a meal? It actually takes quite a bit of confidence to sit alone in a public setting, especially without distractions/devices. When you enjoy your own company, it’s a clear sign your solar plexus is healthy and strong.

Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Crystals

Crystals bring balance your solar plexus chakra because they give off gentle energy that remind you of your intentions.

Since yellow is the color of the solar plexus, look for yellow stones to help heal this chakra. Carry one in your pocket or place it in your workspace to help relieve stress.  

Read this next for a deep dive into the best solar plexus chakra stones:

The Best Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals for Confidence + Joy

Essential Oils for Solar Plexus Chakra Healing

Essential oils are the perfect helpers when you feel anxious because they quickly send signals to your brain. 

Here’s a list of the best essential oils  for the solar plexus healing. Make sure you only buy therapeutic grade oils, like these:

Or, the easiest way to bring healing to your solar plexus with essential oils is to use a blend specific to this purpose.

I found this one by Rocky Mountain Oils and am a huge fan. It’s bright and bold with a kick – just like your personality when your solar plexus is in balance!😉

All you need is a few drops of solar plexus chakra oil blend in a diffuser, or even a deep inhale from the bottle to remind you of your power.

Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Frequency

Music has a magical way of uplifting your mood.

As you know, the solar plexus chakra aligns with the color yellow. Yellow vibrates at the frequency of around 500MHz on the visible spectrum, which corresponds closest to the B note on the musical scale. How cool is that!  

Try these sound therapy techniques to balance your solar plexus chakra: 

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations

When you’re working on healing your solar plexus, it’s important to remind yourself daily that you are capable and worthy of making positive changes in your life. 

I share a bunch of them here: 29 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations to Claim Your Power

Saying a solar plexus chakra affirmation like this one will help to clear blockages so you can grow stronger and more confident.

Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Foods

Did you know that stress and anxiety impact your immune system, and that most of the immune system lives in the gut?

That’s why the health of your solar plexus chakra has a dramatic impact on your physical health. Everything you do to support your emotional healing in this area will help your physical wellness, and vice versa. 

So, to support your solar plexus be sure to incorporate gut healing foods into your diet. And of course, foods that are yellow in color: 

Meditation for Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing

Meditation is a great way to tap into your personal power. Try some of these methods: 

Solar Plexus Exercises

Yoga is a great way to build confidence and calm worry. Your solar plexus aligns with the abdomen area. So anything that strengthens your core is best. Here’s a free Solar Plexus Power Flow by Yoga Journal.

Exercises for solar plexus include:

This is a yoga warrior pose, which strengthens your core. It mimicks a true warrior stance: imagine a shield in her left hand, and a sword drawn in her right. This pose oozes strength and personal power!

Journaling for Stress Relief

As I mentioned, when your solar plexus is out of balance, you’re more likely to experience stress and anxiety.

Journaling about your thoughts, feelings, stressors, and fears is a powerful way to heal your solar plexus chakra. Check out these journaling prompts to get started: 80 Best Journal Prompts for Stress Relief and Overthinking

Symptoms of Solar Plexus Chakra Opening

When your solar plexus is balanced you’ll feel:

So this is how you’ll feel when your solar plexus is healing! All of the emotions above are signals that your solar plexus is open and in balance.

You’ll find relief from digestive and other physical issues too.


This is an exciting time for you, so be proud of yourself for investing in solar plexus chakra healing! As you reclaim your personal power, every area of your life will begin to shift. New opportunities will present themselves. Toxic relationships will fall away and unhealthy patterns will be replaced upgrades.

You’ve got some beautiful expansion going on as your solar plexus awakens. Watch out, world!

XO,  Andrea

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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