The Haven Shoppe

Angel Number 7: Divine Magic Surrounds You Now

Have you been seeing the number 7 lately? Then you’re receiving divine guidance from your angels to light up the next steps of your spiritual path. In this guide, we’ll explore the deeper meaning behind angel number 7, and exactly what it means for your spiritual journey.

Angel Number 7 Meaning

Angel number 7 means your angels want you to know how proud they are of you for doing your spiritual work.

The number 7 is all about the divine magic that can only come from your willingness to grow more spiritually aware. You have earned a great deal of wisdom from recent events, so take a moment to pat yourself on the back for the progress you’ve made. 

When you see the number 7, your spirit team is acknowledging how much you’ve learned, and they urge you to keep going. This message has two meanings, so notice what comes to mind and take what you need. 

First, this refers to your spiritual growth. Have you been making an effort to express yourself authentically, know yourself more deeply, and be more trusting of the universe?

If so, you’re on your spiritual path to enlightenment and your angels are right there with you. 

Second, angel number 7 carries the energy of formal education and broadening your skills.

So if you have been thinking about taking a class or workshop, this is your green light to go for it. Your newfound knowledge will fulfill you and support your life purpose beautifully. As a result, you will light up your corner of the world.

The number seven represents the bridge between our world and the next. When you see the number 7, it’s a sign that your angels are  loving all of the spiritual growth you’ve been doing lately, because it means they can work with you more closely to manifest your desires.

As a result of your alignment with your soul, events will unfold in ways that you could never have imagined.

What Does Angel Number 7 Mean Spiritually?

As I mentioned, angel number 7 is associated with spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It represents your connection to the divine! So when you see this number, take it as a sign that you are on the right path towards spiritual growth, and that the angels are guiding you towards a higher purpose. Angel number 7 also carries the energy of wisdom, intuition, and spirituality.

Angel Number 7 in Love

In regard to love, angel number seven is very positive sign that means that it’s time to make meaningful spiritual connections. Relationships in your life at this time are going to reflect the latest and greatest version of you! Focus on partnerships based on mutual respect, honesty, integrity, and joy. 

Angel number 7 is all about strong faith and spiritual enlightenment, so remember that you’re allowed to cut ties from relationships you’ve outgrown.

angel number 7 message: We love the spiritual work you're doing. Keep going!

Angel Number 7 and Career

While its true angel number 7 is most strongly associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment, it can also have significance in your career. This number is a sign that you are on the right path towards success and fulfillment in your professional life. 

It also serves as a reminder to trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice when it comes to making career decisions. Take some time to reflect on your goals and aspirations, and trust that the angels are guiding you towards a fulfilling and prosperous career path. Keep following your joy!

What To Do When You See Angel Number 7

When you see angel number 7, it’s important to take time to reflect on your spiritual journey and the path you’re currently on. This number is a sign that your spiritual journey is unfolding! Here are some actions to take when you see this angel number. 

Shift your perspective.

Number 7 is deeply spiritual in nature. So when it appears to you, it’s a loving nudge to view situations in your life from an elevated perspective.

How can you more deeply connect with those around you? If you’re in conflict, what aspects of yourself do you see in the other person?

Every challenge in your life is a blessing, offering you clarity and personal growth. So take this opportunity to see things in a new way – a way that brings you more peace.

Start meditating.

Angel number 7 is an invitation to explore your spiritual side! So one way to do this is through quieting your mind, so your inner wisdom can shine through.

If you’re brand new to meditation, I recommend guided visualization. These sleep stories on Insight Timer are free, and we created them to help you heal, grow, and connect with your spiritual side as you fall asleep.

Sleep stories are bedtime stories for grownups! The Haven Shoppe sleep stories will reconnect you with your inner magic as you drift off to sleep. 💜

Focus on crown chakra healing.

Number 7 is associated with the crown chakra, which is your energy center for connection with the universe, animals, nature, and other people. It’s where your sense of peace, oneness, and inner knowing live. The more open your crown chakra is, the easier it is to see the bigger picture. You can learn how to open your crown chakra here.

Evaluate your daily routine.

You are allowed to grow and change, my friend. Is your life a reflection of your best self? Sometimes life helps you to grow, and when that happens, it’s totally normal for your tastes and interests to change. Take a look at your relationships, work, and recreational activities. Then, give yourself permission to make any changes that help you feel more peaceful and authentic.

Chakra Healing + Angel Number 7

When you see number 7, it’s a clear nudge to work on your 7th chakra. This is your center for spiritual awareness, and life purpose. The more open your crown, the more freely your spiritual path will unfold.

One of the easiest ways to bring your crown into balance is with essential oils. I’m a certified Aromatherapist and this is the blend I use:

RMO’s Crown Chakra blend is perfect to use during meditation, before yoga practice or at bedtime. Plus it smells amazing! Sacred Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lemon, Lavender, and Neroli essential oils create a woody, floral, and citrusy scent that’s deeply soothing.💜

If you feel guided, read more about crown chakra healing here:


Does the meaning of this angel number resonate with your life right now? Leave a comment below and share! I’d love to hear from you

XO, Andrea

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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