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80 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations to Feel Calm and Strong

Could you use a confidence boost? Today I’m sharing the most powerful solar plexus chakra affirmations to help you embrace your worthiness and claim your power.

What Are Solar Plexus Affirmations?

Solar plexus chakra affirmations are positive sayings that focus on self-empowerment. The examples below will bring your attention to opportunities to be more assertive, confident, and decisive. Most issues in this area are based on the belief that you’re somehow unworthy.

Nothing could be further from true!

When you need solar plexus chakra healing, it can manifest in one of two ways:

I’ve broken out these solar plexus affirmations based on whether you need calming or strength. This can change from day to day, so be sure to pin or bookmark this post so you have what you need when the moment arises.

The statements below will help you remember that you deserve the very best. So take what you need, based on how you’re feeling.

Also, if you want to take your solar plexus chakra healing to a deeper level, read this next: Ultimate Guide to Your Solar Plexus Chakra

How Do I Strengthen My Solar Plexus With Affirmations?

When you need to strengthen your solar plexus chakra, you can use affirmations that help you to tap into your personal power.

Remember, your solar plexus is all about how you feel about yourself.

So if you’ve had encounters with people who have put you down or made you feel inferior, your solar plexus chakra needs strengthening. These solar plexus affirmations will help you to heal from those experiences, and actually grow stronger from them.

Whenever you’re feeling weak, victimized, or unsure, find an affirmation from this list and say it out loud – while you’re looking in the mirror if you’re brave enough!

It may feel awkward, but it will really help you to feel confident when you hear and see yourself affirm your own strength. Which one is your favorite? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Strength

  1. I trust my inner wisdom and make good choices.
  2. I am decisive and strong.
  3. It’s safe to embrace my power. 
  4. I create healthy boundaries for myself.
  5. I am perfectly capable of creating upgrades in my life.
  6. Change is safe.
  7. I have everything I need to move forward.
  8. I stand firmly in my power.
  9. I am independent and strong.
  10. I am a powerful creator.
  11. I deserve the best in all things.
  12. I never settle for less than I deserve.
  13. My needs are just as important as everyone else’s.
  14. The world needs my unique skills and talents.
  15. Even when it feels scary, I assert myself and grow stronger each day.
solar plexus chakra affirmation: Even when it feels scary, I assert myself and grow stronger each day.

  1. I feel comfortable in my own skin.
  2. Every day I become more confident and self-assured.
  3. I am worthy of receiving.
  4. I take full responsibiity for my decisions.
  5. I choose thoughts that serve my highest good.
  6. I practice mindfulness to stay focused on the present moment.
  7. I make decisions with self-confidence and clarity.
  8. I embrace failure as a learning experience. 
  9. I stand up for myself with courage and grace. 
  10. My thoughts, words and deeds are filled with positive power. 
  11. My goals are clear, attainable, and within my reach.
  12. I am confident and courageous. 
  13. I trust in my ability to create my own success. 
  14. I align with the power of the universe and draw from this sacred energy. 
  15. I am absolutely worthy of respect and love.

  1. My inner light is beautiful and powerful.
  2. I allow and appreciate every experience that comes my way.
  3. I trust in myself and the right decisions that come to me naturally
  4. I embrace my power, strength, and courage.
  5. I am strong, capable and confident.
  6. I make my own decisions and choices with confidence.
  7. My inner power is undeniable.
  8. I honor my truth and allow it to lead the way.
  9. I find clarity and purpose through my actions. 
  10. My self-worth is strong and unshakeable. 
  11. I use any challenges as a source for growth and learning. 
  12. Abundance flows effortlessly into my life, allowing me to achieve all that I desire.
  13. I believe in myself.
  14. I accept myself for who I am without judgment.

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Calming

Common symptoms of solar plexus chakra imbalance are feelings of stress, anxiety, and worry. So if you feel on-guard, nervous, or angry at yourself, these calming solar plexus affirmations are for you.

  1. There’s nothing to worry about. All is well.
  2. I release harsh judgements against others and myself.
  3. I am organized and have plenty of energy to accomplish everything on my plate.
  4. There’s no need to try to control everything because the universe supports me.
  5. Success comes easily to me.
  6. I trust my gut.
  7. I only say ‘yes’ when I really mean it.
  8. I give myself permission to say ‘no’ when I need to.
  9. My timing is always perfect.
  10. Wonderful opportunities show up on my path at the right time.  
  11. Freedom is my birthright. 
  12. I’m proud of myself.
  13. When I set my mind to something, I manifest it in my life.
  14. I am healthy and happy.
  15. Everything Is always working out for me.
  16. My words and actions are divinely guided.
  17. I inhale peace and exhale anxiety.
  18. I surrender the need to control.
  19. I am likeable and worthy.
  20. I can trust the universe to take excellent care of me.

How Do I Calm My Solar Plexus With Affirmations?

Take a moment now to take a deep inhale through your nose, followed by a long exhale through your mouth (keep going! you have more air in those lungs than you think).

Now, as you read through this list, notice how these words make you feel. As you begin to unwind, take note of your favorites and save them for later. You’ll feel your solar plexus come back into balance as your emotions begin to stabilize.

If one affirmation in particular speaks to you, please let me know in the comments at the bottom!

Solar Plexus Chakra Mantras

In English, the action or mantra we associate to the Manipura chakra is ‘I Do‘. This is because the solar plexus is all about being assertive, decisive, and taking positive action!

So, you can say affirmations that begin with the words ‘I do’. Here are some examples to get you started.

‘I Do’ Affirmations for Solar Plexus Chakra Healing

  1. I do the right thing at the right time.
  2. I do trust my instincts.
  3. I do practice self-respect.
  4. I do trust the universe to take care of the things I can’t control myself.
  5. I do believe in myself.
  6. I do deserve the very best in life.
  7. I do claim my power.
  8. I do what feels right to me in the moment.
  9. I do what I can and leave the rest to the universe.
  10. I do my best to stay mindful and present.
  11. I do everything from a place of self-love.
  12. I do my best, and give it my all in everything I do.
  13. I do believe in myself, and all the incredible things I am capable of.
  14. I do honor my progress and honor both wins and losses along the way.
  15. I do honor my needs and respect what my body can physically handle each day.
  16. I do invest time in understanding and knowing myself better every day.
For a slideshow of these images, visit the solar plexus chakra affirmations web story.

Traditional Solar Plexus Chakra Mantra

The mantra for the solar plexus chakra is RAM (pronounced R-AH-M). This is described as the sound of the Manipura (the Sanskrit name for solar plexus). So the vibration of this sound will help to bring your solar plexus into balance.

Similar to affirmations, you can repeat this mantra aloud, in your mind, or even listen to it being spoken (you can find free audio on YouTube).

How Do I Chant the Solar Plexus Chakra Mantra?

In chanting, 108 repetitions is a very common number to use. If you’d like to use mala beads to keep track, you can but it isn’t required. The number of times isn’t as important as your focused intention as you chant the Manipura chakra mantra.

To chant the solar plexus mantra all you need to do is:

You may want to envision a yellow light bathing your upper belly, bringing healing to your Manipura chakra as you chant. Stop when you feel like it’s time – you can’t get it wrong.


Did you enjoy these affirmations for your solar plexus? I hope they help you to get excited about your life. Leave me a comment below with your favorite, and pin this for future use!

Also, the chakras build on one another. So once you’re feeling strong in your solar plexus, you can move onto the upper chakras like the heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras. Notice which ones you’re drawn to and see if their affirmations apply to your life!

XO, Andrea

Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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