The Haven Shoppe

Quiz Result: Bring on the adventure!

The color orange holds the vibration of passion, motivation, and pleasure. So if a particular area of your life feels stale or stuck, consider this your sign that it’s time for positive change. You’re allowed to prioritize the activities, projects, and relationships that light up your soul!

Affirm: “I embrace new adventures with joy. Passion fuels my creative expression. I attract healthy partnerships”.

Your Chakra Healing Mist Is...

Your energy needs are a perfect match to our Pleasure Principal body mist. This fiery brew was created to encourage your sense of excitement, creativity, energy, and optimism. Give yourself a spritz to spark your inner flame! Click BUY NOW to learn more.

More Ways to Enjoy

Orange represents the sacral chakra. To learn more, check out the Ultimate Guide to Your Sacral Chakra

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