Angel Number 14: Take The Next Logical Step

Angel number 14 holds an empowering message from your guides: you’re ready to take your plans to the next level.  

Angel Number 14 Meaning

Angel number 14 confirms everything is moving in the right direction. So at this time, you should continue to flesh out the details of your plan. In addition, your angels are helping you to maneuver around roadblocks and keep you grounded as you continue down your path. 

The actions you take now will result in positive changes! So this is a good time to remember it’s perfectly safe to keep moving forward. You know what you’re doing, and you’ve prepared yourself well. As a result, your plans are feeling solid. Very practical, stabilizing energy comes through with this angel message. So take this as an invitation to tap in to your logical problem-solving skills to work through any challenges that arise. In other words, don’t interpret problems as stop signs; instead view them as opportunities for further learning and growth. 

Angel Number 14 in Love

In love, number 14 carries a very similar message. It’s perfectly safe to act on your plans to move forward, whatever that may mean to you at this time. Plus, rest assured that any challenges you’re facing have been lovingly planted in your life, to give you a chance to gain clarity about what you want to change. 

If you’re experiencing romantic difficulties, angel number 14 means that your spirit team is gathered around you to guide you through them. Also, they’re sending you creative solutions in response to your prayers. So know that you’re ready to take concrete action steps in order to manifest your romantic upgrades.       


Angel number 14 is all about security as you begin to navigate change – you’re good to go!  

XO,  Andrea

pinnable angel number 14 message
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Andrea Scalisi

Andrea has been practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot for many years. She is a certified Aromatherapist and Reiki Master in Central NY, and also holds a Masters Degree from Syracuse University. Andrea loves helping her readers bring more spiritual self-care into their lives.

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